Okay, I now have about a week until my Hermaversary (thank you,
First off, I would ideally like to have that essay done by then. Or at least complete a workable first draft. I think it can be done if I really work at it and continue to beat back all those little voices that don't like the way its coming out and want to improve, make it even better. Something I can present as a gift.
Secondly, I think I'm going to try to get that day off work. That will probably be easy enough, they're lax as it is and there's not much going on there now anyway while they're still getting their shit together after the move. However, I have had time off recently due to sleep problems, so if for some reason it can't be done I'm not going to fight over it too hard.
That's about it for plans now. I'm considering that it will be much like it was last year, maybe another day spent in isolation. Or maybe I'll spend part of the day wandering around the city if I can think of some decent place to go. Both ideas have been floating through my head.
Ritual sometime tonight will probably be a good idea. There are a couple of questions I would like to ask. Its been put off for more than long enough now.