Feb 16, 2008 08:39
Renee had warned me that dying my hair purple in Baltimore might have people constantly accusing me of being a Ravens fan. It actually hadn't happened at all until last night, when Anna and I stopped off at a grocery store to get my week's pay and a few other things when some guy passing by asked me that (I said I was just someone who liked dying my hair weird colors). Considering that the purple hair is going to be gone by the end of the weekend, I guess it finally came just in time.
Yeah, I'm going back to the black hair, a color cheaper and easier to maintain. I think I've had purple hair since the end of October, making this the longest I've kept an unnatural color (can't do that with blue as much as I would like to, purple fades decently, blue looks like absolute shit after two weeks).And I'm definitely going to have to do this again sometime in the future.
Sorry about no pictures of the hair. I tried, I really did, but despite that my hair was eggplant purple it never photographed that way; if I was outside it looked vaguely reddish, inside it looked black. Maybe next time.