
Feb 15, 2008 10:40

[Rose has been the masked ninja of Valentine's day, giving gifts out]

--I really hope I didn't forget anyone. Hmm....

((SO. For the Doctor, a batch of cupcakes, and a photo album with all of the pictures of the two of them that she could manage and a note that says "To the Doctor, ♥, Your Plus One"; For the Master, a box of chocolates and a note that says "If you eat them all at once, they'll make you sick. Your call. --R"; For Jack, a basket of cookies, a photo album (like the Doctor's), and a note that says "Call me, Handsome. Love, Rose"; For Dean, a basket of brownies and a CD of music that he likes, with a note that says "I didn't know what to get, but music seemed like a good choice. ♥, Rose"; Template!Sam gets cookies, some soup, and a book; Martha gets brownies and a cheesy romance novel; Romana gets flowers and cookies; and anyone I forgot (Nataku, Draco, and others, I guess) gets something baked.
Oh, and Sam gets a cake. And a note that says "This ticket is good for one free dinner of your choice cooked by Rose Tyler."))

valentine's day, gifts, holidays, be my valentine

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