28--Mmmm, Dean. I mean, BREAKFAST.

Feb 12, 2008 01:43

Breakfast this morning was good. I should sleep in and make pancakes more often. At Sam and Dean's flat. Maybe with some blueberries or bananas or chocolate chips. Did I mention Sam and Dean's flat? Nice place, really. Full of....Sam and, er, Dean.....and the dog! She's there too. And they've got good movies. Right. Moving on....

--or tea. I should really drink some tea. Definitely can never have too much tea, you know.....

I sorta feel like I've been shot in the stomach or a sack of potatoes has dropped on me or something. I blame the pancakes.

dean winchester (original), plot: love at first sight, the puppy, sam winchester (original), pancakes, wtf, breakfast, tea time

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