Mar 31, 2011 00:36
So I went to the gym today and over the last week I had maintained my weight at 147.2 and today I weighed 148.2 so I was like ugh. The gain made me more determined to work my booty off on the elliptical. Normally a one pound gain wouldn't upset me but I'd expect to weigh more when I'm on my period, which was last week so I was kind of hoping for a loss today.
Anyways, my point was - after I worked out, I stepped on the scale again and BOOM I was back to 147.2. Its impossible to sweat off a pound of fat in an hour and half. I obviously retain water. I love salt too much. I could do without bread, chocolate, and whatever but salt is my downfall. I don't even dash any salt on my food, I eat crap that's already naturally salty.
Currently, I have a goal of 140 lbs which would bring me out of the "overweight" range. It'd be ideal to be 135 by graduation. 10 pounds in a month and half is possible. 15 lbs is kind of pushing it. I'm trying to stick with something more realistic.
what the fuck