Dec 03, 2006 22:16

in short: mesmerizing!

I hadn't noticed the differences before. upon first watching, I was rather stunned that after more than a year break in production they were able to recreate *everything* from the visual to the emotional so perfectly. However having seen the We're So Screwed trilogy on one day and Bad Timing with PKW Pt1 the next; the differences were not so subtle. For instance there's Chiana and Noranti. Chi's softened - the grey makeup seems more pale and the wig's different; but hey, Chi's changed her look with each seas. Noranti has more of a round face and bigger ears (lol). Surprisingly though, it's an excellent proof that even with so much prosthetics & makeup the actor's features and facial expressions do come through. The actress that replaced Melissa Jaffer did a superb job easing into the character. Though, I was disappointed with Jothee's look. He was supp to look more mature & completely in touch w/his Luxan nature. However there was nth human about him, whereas the Jothee from S2 was so indisputably a hybrid. was it just the facial hair, the restored tenka on his right side, the Luxan warrior's uniform? or did a difference in actor made the character feel *so* different?

I've gotten into FS because of the miniseries and all the hype it garnered, -----
I remembering stumbling upon an episode, Taking the Stone, and being swept by it. the *grey girl* captivated my attention and the anything-but-straightforward narrative. however, I could never find when it was on and I didn't watch that ep from the very beginning, so I didn't know the name of the show and later when I thought about it, I didn't know for what to look for. not long after the network that aired it where I live, bankrupted or sth and that was it.

in 2004 another show was garnering huge amount of media/internet attention; that was Stargate SG-1 with it's 150th episode Heroes. I too remember stumbling upon *this* show and being less than impressed in addition to considering the cast to be too old for my tastes (forgive me, I must have been in HS then...). However, I couldn't comprehend that a show I considered simple and poorly done could now be celebrating it's 150th episode, so I did some research, found out about this amazing campaign to bring Michael Shanks back to the show and thought to myself that's some fabulous fanbase! all those people cannot be wrong. then there was this bit about Heroes and that they were killing off a major character - a bold and unprecedented move in that time in TV-history. before Lost and 24 made a habit out of it...atop all that, there was word on an episode being written by none other than Michael Shanks and being directed by another member of the cast (Amanda Tapping). It was then that I decided I must get in on what so many people consider to be such a good show. I downloaded Resurrection and was blown away! that was not the kind of show I remembered it to be!! I then went on to download the famed Heroes which led me to downloading the entire S7. I had the luck to then catch Seasons 4 & 5 on HBO and by then call myself a fan. I remember thinking "this show is so cool, I don't understand half the stuff that happens or is being mentioned!" I couldn't by the life of me differentiate between the Tok'ra and the Goa'uld and the Jaffa, not to mention remember those names for a duration of half a season or sth. with the premiere of S8 I was a regular watcher/downloader; before S9 I caught up with S6 on HBO and with S10 on the air I am still watching...though am not so impressed with the latter seasons as I was with S7...

Back to the point though, thanks to Stargate I found my way onto the SciFi Channel site where I stumbled upon messages on the Bboard accompanied by way too many exclamation marks, that SciFi was doing a Farscape miniseries, which sounded familiar... I saw the trailer and was blown away by the grandeur of it! I proceeded to the Farscape site, read the Seasons 1-3 Primer and read all of the links referenced: Crichton's Notes, Lifeform Encounters, Allies & Enemies. Needless to say the scope of it was beyond anything I've *ever* encountered!! I couldn't stray away then. I think I was a fan before seeing a single whole episode.

I had a really slow connection so downloading whole seasons was not sth I could easily commit to, so I checked out a few sites and downloaded a bunch of fan-made vids, which rocked my world! they made me cry & sigh & boy, was I in for a ride! Luckily, I found some nice downloads; S1 episodes in ~200MB version; those were: 1x01, 1x02, 1x03, 1x04, 1x05, 1x06, 1x07, 1x09, 1x15, 1x16, 1x17, 1x18, 1x19, 1x20, I think:) Those got me pretty hooked, but I still didn't know if I wanted to keep them around. I normally watch eppies twice and then delete them, I had a hard time deleting the Premiere ep, but I needed space on my HD, 2 weeks later I re-downloaded that that ep;) anyways, then The Peacekeeper Wars premiered, I got that as soon as it became available and I was lost for words - if you can imagine;p

After that I decided on S3 next. I wanted to know what exactly led to the events in PKW, but I though S4 might not be enough. I found a nice torrent and got that season, I burned 11 beautiful CDs with it and proceeded to dload S4...therefore my order of watching was an incomplete S1, PKW, then S3, S4, S1 complete, S2. I don't remember exactly, but it might have been only then, that I remembered I've seen the jump scene from 2x03 Taking the Stone before, that I put two and two together and remembered that that was this show I thought I liked!

----- therefore I'd give it 5 stars any time of day, however seeing all the episodes leading to the event, you see that more than some compromises had to be made. 4 hours of concise storytelling doesn't allow that much emotional resonance as an entire season or even 4 episodes within a series. in addition, the miniseries, needed to be a *Special SciFi Event* so you get space battles and big words being thrown just to build a scope within a limited amount of time. a true FS connoisseur might feel cheated. however, having in mind the labor of love needed to put PKW on air, you appreciate it just as it is, with all the good and the bad, as a grand send-off to an amazing creation!

now onto the Quotes:

Peacekeeper Wars: Night One
D'Argo: "Excellent. I'll be able to stop them cold with three perfect shots!"
Chiana: "Why three? You usually slay me with just one."

Peacekeeper Wars: Night Two
CRICHTON: "No, Aeryn, this is not what I want! It's just that fate keeps blocking all the exits and no matter what I do, I just keep circling closer to the flame!"

CRICHTON: "This is ugly. And it is malignant, but it will protect you and the baby..."
AERYN: "Oh, but you see, you don't just protect me. We protect each other."

AERYN: "I need you."
CRICHTON: "Alright baby, I'm here."
AERYN: "I need you to reload my weapon."
CRICHTON: "Sweetheart, for once, let me cover you."
AERYN: "Shooting makes me feel better."
CRICHTON: "Honey..."

D'ARGO: "It's gonna get ugly soon, you need to get going."
CRICHTON: "You're the closest friend I have."
D'ARGO: "You could've done better."
CRICHTON: "Nowhere in the universe."

CRICHTON (waking up beside his son): "Hey. What're you doing here? Oh, did I scare you? Coz you scared me. Shh..shhh, Crichtons don't cry... often. Or for very long. (smiling) Where is your mother?"

miniseries, pkw, stargate sg1, quotes, rant, farscape

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