Sep 12, 2007 18:38
The first episode felt rather weak. and I was a bit discouraged. too much exposition and the characters felt alien. however, every other episode built upon the one before it and was all the better for it! getting to know the characters and the intrigue both political as well as personal - all of it smoothly interwoven! - made for an excellent watch. probably the historical background that needed to be laid down was partially to blame for the slow pace and scatter-ness of the story.
this show is fascinating to watch and the characters are perfectly cast! the third episode is unprecedented! if - after the first episode - I had any doubts whether I would watch an entire season of The Tudors, they were completely dispelled by the third one. I couldn't imagine not knowing how the story enfolded after the events of the third ep. which is quite ironic considering the fact that all of it actually happened centuries ago and I could easily google it;)
it's quite similar to the structure of B5. one can know how the story ends, yet the journey there and the hows and whys of it could be far more enticing than the actual facts themselves... the context is what matters most!
the tudors