"When in doubt, attack!"

Jan 17, 2008 19:39

I'm greatly enjoying S2 of ROME, loving it actually! the first 3 eps were rather difficult to enjoy but the following 3 were most superb! I find them even more entertaining than S1. if Atia wasn't intriguing enough in S1, she's exquisitely captivating in S2. also Mark Anthony had proven to be a most unpredictably engaging character. Vorenus' story as could have been expected is a dreary one, yet Pullo's storyline is most surprisingly ...amiable. also, as far as re-casting characters goes, certainly not a fan - yet I kept thinking about whether it could have been done about Octavian since 2x01, and lo and behold - they do just that in 2x04! and quite successfully too, despite the unprecedentness of it.

[ETA] where S1 was sex & politics, S2 is love & politics.

season 2, rome

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