subj? B5. I'm at a loss for words, it would seem...

Aug 24, 2007 04:42

I was shocked and dismayed when Sinclair was reassigned and Sheridan was suddenly thrust upon me. However, being kept in a constant state of awe throughout season 1 and the brief hiatus leading to my watching s2, I kept an open mind and welcomed this new character not as a replacement but a new addition.

It wasn't until 211 All Alone in the Night that I fully embraced Sheridan and completely accepted him as my new hero of the story. Seeing him in jeopardy must have done the trick;) Seeing him react under pressure and in the face of personal danger, made me identify with him throughout the story. With 1x00 The Gathering and later on with s1, Sinclair was, without a doubt, the hero of the story. Therefore, it was a bold and unprecedented move to suddenly change that; but I believe in JMS and his clear vision of the B5 saga, so I embrace everything with the firm belief I won't be disappointed. Nevertheless, I could not simply turn a switch off and suddenly identify with Sheridan, when all the while I've been looking at things from Sinclair's POV.

I meant to write a review after watching s2, but s2 and the first part of s3 felt so completely inter-synced, there was an uninterrupted flow between 2x22 and 3x01, that it wasn't until 316-17 War Without End Parts 1 & 2 that I felt I could let myself breathe out. I don't doubt it has considerably to do with the resolution to Sinclair's story. I finally have closure and can now completely move my thoughts onto the things to come.

As a whole, I didn't like s2 as much as s1. Don't think, it has anything to do with establishing Sheridan as a character, bc after all it is an ensemble piece; but I was left wanting more of G'Kar and more of Londo. I could not get enough of either of them!

It caught me completely by surprise how much I've grown to enjoy Londo by the end of s1, given how much bothered I was by his look at the beginning of the series -- I could not fathom how a race as advanced as Centauri, a race that achieved space travel for one! and conquered the stars, would sport such an impractical a hairdo?! but that was somewhat explained in 220 The Long, Twilight Struggle when the Centauri Emperor visits B5; that it was a matter of tradition and Centauri are - if nth else - traditionalists, clinging desperately to the old times of glory ...long gone.

As far as G'Kar, it came to me as a wonder, how far this character has grown, how much he has changed - internally; and how any misconceptions I might have had about him were blown out the window (i.e. 220 The Long, Twilight Struggle)

My hart sank when he entered Sheridan's office in that episode; I kept anxiously repeating the word asylum in my head, that he would ask for asylum; and with slow painfully measured words he says:

G'Kar: "Captain Sheridan. I've been instructed by my government to come to you and ask for.. sanctuary."

if that last scene had me almost in tears, this one broke the tide:

G'Kar: "No Dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments and tyrants, and armies can not stand. The Centauri learned this lesson once, we will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years - we will be free."

All in all, when combined with s3 it all forms a strong whole with s3 boasting some of the best quotes of the series up to this point.

311 Ceremonies of Light And Dark was such a brilliantly written episode!! I esp liked Londo's repartee here:

Lord Refa: "You walk away from the greatest power I have even seen, and now you expect me to do the same. They are the key to my eventual rise to the throne. Why would I abandon them?"
Londo: "Because I have asked you. [pause] And because your loyalty to our people should be greater than your ambition. [pause] And because I have poisoned your drink."

the same can be said for 312 Sic Transit Vir. I mean, lovesick Sheridan!!!!!!! oh, this is my fav Sheridan episode!

one of the subtle insanities of B5 are the Centauri jokes, so when I actually laughed at one in this episode, I realized how immersed in this universe I've become.

Centauri Minister: "I heard a new joke today... What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns?"
Vir: "I don't know. What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns?"
Centauri Minister: "One angry Narn... with the key!"

I must confess, it caught me completely by surprise (yet again!) how giggly I got when the hints of sth more between Sheridan and Delenn became obvious and I loved every minute of it.

I feel, it was the only element missing from the early stories - a romantic storyline I could feel invested in. I desperately wanted more scenes between Sinclair and Catherine Sakai (excellent casting btw!), but this was sth far more greater! it took them sth like 20 eps to lay the groundwork for this relationship and it sprung from the storyline, not the other way around - as it was with Sinclair's significant others.

I kept hoping for Garibaldi and Talia to get together, but how misguided I was with that, wasn't I?:)

In the ep when Sheridan confesses his feelings to Delenn, I was stunned at how pure it was and how true in it's simplicity it felt. I couldn't believe how happy a moment that was for me. What I also esp like about this moment is that Sheridan doesn't wait for Delenn to say anything in return, it's not a proclamation with expectations attached to it; he opens himself up to her and leaves her at that. *sigh*

And also that ep when he makes dinner for her? *I* fell for him right then and there!

Excuse my saying, but he was like a lovesick puppy - so nervous and excited -- that contagious kind of happy.

I don't think Sinclair could even have become a romantic hero; he was the ideological hero, the action hero, the iconic hero. Sheridan can be all that and more!

Is it because he looks younger than Sinclair and thus more innocent?

Don't know if that was part of JMS reasoning behind introducing this new character into the fold; nevertheless I'm a sucker for galactic romance - and this just hit me flat on.

Sinclair was more reserved - I think; while Sheridan wears his heart on a sleeve. You cannot escape such vulnerability without falling for it. He brings passion to everything he does - and he's not one to suppress his emotions. He can be forceful on issues he feels strongly about; when he gets angry, your breath leaves you in anticipation of whats to come; and he brings the same kind of passion into his personal life.

Now I sound like a lovesick fan;)

Would you believe, I wrote most of this in my notebook on Monday while walking home from a train station? I watched 316&17 War Without End Parts 1 & 2 the day before and I had all these feelings bottled up inside, I could not contain them - I needed to find an outlet for them. phew! tis that. more to come. for sure!;)

316&17 War Without End Parts 1 & 2
War Without End has got to be *the* greatest - and successful! - attempt at a complex and interwoven story. I am stunned. but saddened beyond belief... Sinclair, I missed you since that fateful s2 premiere where you were no more, but now your story has come to an end or to be more precise you've reached the beginning of your magnificent journey. I'll miss you. I have been missing you since 2x01. and yet with this storyline, I know you'll live in infinity - as G'Kar says in 314 Ship of Tears:

G'Kar: "Since space and time are curved, the infinite sooner or later bends back upon itself and ends up where it begun."

also, while I wasn't terribly amused by Zathras in 120 Babylon Squared, he managed to get me to laugh out loud with this quote from 316 War Without End Pt 1:

Zathras: "Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other peoples needs. Very sad life. Probably have very sad death, but at least there is symmetry."

Apart from less than a desirable amount of scenes with G'Kar or Londo, the other problem I had with s2 is the sudden fraternizing of our main crew. Ivanova was so reserved throughout s1's run; I was quite taken when she asked Sinclair to sit Shiva with her - to so open herself up to him; and suddenly - with Sheridan - she openly states her feelings to him, explaining her life, her childhood!?

I can understand that all of'em: Garibaldi, Franklin, Ivanova looked up to Sinclair for guidance and now with him gone, they sort of gravitated to one another, were drawn to each other; but still, it felt a bit off - the four of them having drinks together every so often, being so casual with each other.

There was friendship and mutual respect between Garibaldi & Sinclair, but I've never seen anything of the sort between Garibaldi & Franklin - sure there must have been trust and respect and the like - but the sudden friendship between the two in s2 felt odd.

It's all understandable and in-line with the happenings on the show - nevertheless it felt sudden - the way it happened - and inconsistent with what we've seen of these characters in s1.

all in all, s3 is generally stronger than s2, although the two merge quite seamlessly in storytelling. Another advantage of s3 comes with how the introduction of a new supporting character was handled. s3 starts with a gripping action sequence and tugs at your heart with an emotional vibe coming from a parting of two comrades, of whom one is revealed to be the character of Marcus Cole. I found that scene quite touching and suspenseful; and was pleasantly surprised that it served to introduce a fascinating new character, one who had quite a few memorable quotes this season, for instance in 313 A Late Delivery from Avalon:

Marcus: "You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

as a supporting member of the cast, he merged quite easily with the rest of the regulars - storywise; which unfortunately cannot be said by the late fighter pilot - s2's cast addition.

concluding thoughts:
I hear, The Lost Tales falls a bit short of the expectations. however, if anything, it served to spice up my interest in B5; so when I'll finally see it, I'm sure to have some more complex thoughts about it, for now though - I consider it a success, only bc it served to initiate my introduction to this mesmerizing world of JMS's B5.

season 2, season 3, season 1, babylon 5, quotes, rant

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