Babylon 5 Season 1

Aug 08, 2007 17:18

I have to admit, I didn't expect half a good a show as this unveiled itself to be. surprised me greatly; that and that it isn't more of a mainstream hit. it even surpasses BSG in storytelling!! and BSG is off-the-chart good!! sure BSG has that religious aspect going for it - which, I suspect is what draws me mostly to become immersed obsessively in certain stories, like DUNE for instance. but apart from that? the political intrigues, the impending doom of a possible war, the riveting ambiguousness of the multilayered characters - pure perfection! this is a timeless hit, which only time will prove BSG might or might not be...

season 1 boasted so many stellar episodes, I can't possibly name them all, so I'll just praise the boldness and indefinite-in-possible-outcomes stories as well as the tragedy and soulfulness of the characters.

and what a groundbreaking, staggering in scope concept! the year long enigma of what happened at the battle of The Line. this kind of storytelling is hard to find nowadays.

oh and the music? I already have the two soundtracks and am looking forward to seeking out the individual episodic soundtracks. haunting, mesmerizing music! gives me chills and puts a lump in my throat. I pause at moments just to listen to it because it paralyzes everything else I might be doing at the time, just like trying to write this post.

season 1, babylon 5

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