I treated myself to a Stargate mini-marathon

Jul 20, 2007 00:37

10.11 The Quest Part 2
too much shooting! I cringe whenever they start killing evil beings. somehow with O'Neill it didn't feel so murderous! although nice continuity to all these preceding yrs throughout the episode.

10.12 Line In The Sand
damn, BB and CB have undeniable chemistry together that even though their characters have nth in common, you can feel how comfortable the actors are with each other.

10.13 The Road Not Taken
Sam in single-handed combat was impressive. the team finally feels like the team we had for the first 7 years! liked Hammond and Landry together. you know? they both have equally strong presence. all in all, I like alternate-universe stories; I just wish we had all the major players in it. is this a thread for eps to come? not all the regulars are going to be in them, but they'll be more single-character oriented stories? the alternate Cam was an excellent portrayal by BB.

10.14 The Shroud
just when I was all for the new team, Jack comes back and makes me remember how this show used to be when he was on-board. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I haven't smiled like that while watching any eps this season. I mean, immediately after he shows up, in that one conversation with Daniel, O'Neill has so many great lines!

JACKSON: The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance.
O'NEILL: You know that old chestnut's getting a little old.

JACKSON: When you were being tortured by Baal, killed, brought back to life, over and over again. I stood by you the whole time!
O'NEILL: Alright, just stop! I don't need to be reminded of that! We've been around this barbecue a few times. (complete with a round hand gesture)

JACKSON: It just happens to hinge on you guys believing in me. Having a little faith. Now I thought, you of all people might!
O'NEILL: Why?! You of all people should know that I don't believe anything anybody says, even if I understand what they're talking about!

and while it feels like he's now an outsider, the show was vastly different when he was above the title...and I preferred it that way. again, I don't want to start a discourse here whether SG-1 is still worth watching bc it is vastly entertaining, just in a very different way and I preferred the original.
however the original didn't do relationships all that well; now, you cannot deny the sexual tension between Daniel and Vala and what's most important, it feels organic to the show! it doesn't seem out of place as it did for me with O'Neill and Carter.

10.15 Bounty
talk about sexy! I just luv Daniel in civilian clothes! *drool*
Cam taking Vala back home to Kansas might have been a nod to Farscape (or not...) but from all the U.S. states, Kansas?! I'm guessing BB had sth to do with it. gotta tell you also, that that HS crush of Cam's looked awful like that girlfriend/almost-fiancee Crichton had on Earth...just sayin! oh and Vala's dress can only be rivaled by Carter's dress from 10x13.

10x14, 10x13, 10x11, 10x15, stargate sg1, quotes, 10x12

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