[SJ] Wednesdays & Henry Henry Henry, PG ficlets

Dec 29, 2011 12:52

So! These are from October 28... Finally remembered to repost them here. Something short to tide y'all over until I can repost my exchange fic in about 10 days. :D

Super Junior (M), Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun, PG, 760 words
AU. Same verse as Mondays and Fridays, except with more paperwork.


Kyuhyun hates them the most. He's always optimistic on Mondays, like something will be different this week and nothing weird or annoying will happen to him this week, like maybe he'll stay efficient and not bogged down with paperwork and bullshit by the end of the week. Of course, in reality, nothing changes, but Kyuhyun is always strangely positive on Mondays, despite the standing record that proves that the week will go to hell, always.

All the weird shit happens on Fridays. Kyuhyun has mixed feelings on Fridays, because they can be tiring, they can be irritating, they can be wet, they can be exciting, they can be completely surreal-- At least they're interesting, he has to admit. And at least the herald the weekend.

Wednesdays are the worst. It's not just the lag in the middle of the week that has Kyuhyun sitting at his desk taking paperwork breaks in between his hours of gaming. It's not just the tedium that threatens to put him to sleep, planting face-first into the mug of cold coffee. It's not just that the horrifying drag of time that invites Henry to start flicking paper clips at his head or the fact that Ryeowook never brings baked goods on Wednesdays (not that he has a schedule; he's the sort that bakes spontaneously when the mood strikes him, but the mood never strikes him on Tuesday nights because he's busy with his weekly choir group rehearsal and that means there is never homemade baked goods on Wednesdays to help the terrible coffee go down).

Wednesdays are, you see, Zhou Mi's day off.

And it's not like Kyuhyun's in love with his partner or anything stupid like that, but he likes the guy. He has to, right? Considering they have to work together and it helps a lot to not want to shove your partner into an abandoned storage facility and barricade him in until after the job's over. Not that Kyuhyun's ever done that, but he's thought about it a couple of times with his previous partner.

Zhou Mi - they get along. Weirdly, even. They're pretty much polar opposites and everyone starts off looking at them a little bewildered but, by the time they've known Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi for a week, they start naming them as a set. Kyuhyun-and-Zhou Mi. Team Australia.

Kyuhyun's just used to having him around. They're friends besides partners, which means they hang out together outside of work. They see each other on the weekends. They even see each other on Thursdays, Kyuhyun's day off, because have their own music group rehearsal and a standing dinner date. (Not a date date. Just a weekly dinner. Whatever, they eat together all the time, there's nothing weird about that.)

So the only day Kyuhyun doesn't really see Zhou Mi, ever, is Wednesday. Zhou Mi always has errands to run and things to do on Wednesday, all day, and Kyuhyun gets that, he just thinks it's annoying. It's not like he thinks he and Zhou Mi should be attached at the hip or anything. It's just...unsettling to Kyuhyun's routine. He likes routine. It throws him off, Wednesday. He can't even tell Zhou Mi that without sounding like a petulant child with separation anxiety (Heechul's words), so he keeps his mouth shut and flicks paper clips back at Henry, silently tallying points every time they hit him in the head. He's up to 34 today.

He's thinking about upgrading to staples when he gets a text. Fishing his phone out from a pile of reports he's copied verbatim from Zhou Mi (look, they're partners, they saw the same thing, he doesn't get why they each have to submit a separate report - that's just inefficient), Kyuhyun opens the message to read:

omg Kyuhyun I have a date tonight! What should I wear??

The very loud curse that slips out makes Donghae look over, wide-eyed.

"What's wrong?"

Kyuhyun glares at his phone.

No Zhou Mi on Wednesdays throwing him off balance and now-- a date? Potentially leading to a boyfriend? Which would mean more days Kyuhyun isn't allowed to see Zhou Mi because he refuses to tag along on dates as a third wheel?

Wednesdays are the worst.

He slowly faceplants into the litter of paper on his desk, barely missing his keyboard. A paperclip bounces off the back of his head, accompanied by Henry's triumphant, "Hah!"

"Kyuhyun?" says Donghae.

"I hate Wednesdays," he mutters.

Also, he is the worst person to ask for fashion advice. What is Zhou Mi thinking?


Henry Henry Henry
Super Junior (M), bandfic, PG, 450 words
As a group, Suju's seen a lot of weird shit. This is a first, though.

After the weird shit that's gone on in the Super Junior dorms, everyone is hard-pressed to be shocked at anything else. Every member and honorary member - that's lucky Jay and Jungmo, who are, according to them, cursed for life by sharing a dorm with Henry and Zhou Mi - has had a turn as a girl. Every member has experienced either invisibility (Sungmin, much to Eeteuk's envy), telepathy (Shindong, Yesung), wings (Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, and, fittingly, Eeteuk), transformation into a dog (Eunhyuk was a chihuahua, Siwon was a purebred mastiff), transformation into a turtle (yes, Yesung), transformation into an armadillo (Heechul, much to his displeasure and everyone else's discomfort), fuck or die (Donghae, to everyone's secret delight, Zhou Mi, to an extremely awkward morning-after conversation where no one wanted to look the others in the eye and Changmin sent enigmatic texts about a video), bodyswap (Siwon and Heechul and Han Geng, which had been a mess, considering Han Geng had been in China), temporary vampirism (Kyuhyun), temporary werewolfism (Shindong, Yesung, Siwon, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Henry, Ryeowook, Jungmo, and it's rumored Kibum as well, but that has never been confirmed), and soul bonding (Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi, which no one noticed for a month until Sungmin remarked that Kyuhyun had willingly gone clothes shopping six times in four weeks).

This is new though. It's not going to shock anyone, but it'll get a few raised eyebrows, probably about ten extra minutes of Eeteuk freaking out about how he'll have to rearrange everyone's schedule (on top of the twenty minutes he normally freaks out), and some experimental poking that would probably violate the privacy of any normal person not in a hugeass band who discarded normal attitudes towards body privacy about three years and four transformations ago.

Henry looks at himself. There's no mirror. His other self looks curiously back at him.

"Two Henrys?" says Yesung, who is good at stating the obvious.

"Dibs!" shouts Donghae. He grabs one Henry's arm and beams.

Ryeowook immediately moves in on the other Henry, hand warm over his. "Well, I'll take the real one then."

"I'm real," the Henry Donghae's wrapped around protests.

"No, I am," insists Ryeowook's Henry.

"You're...both real? In that you both exist physically in this world at the moment and are cognizant."

Everyone looks at Siwon. He shrugs eloquently. His eyebrows do too.

"Boring," Kyuhyun announces.

There's a knock on the door and Zhou Mi pokes his head into the crowded dressing room. "Hey, Henry and I were wondering when we're supposed to go?"

Henry's head appears beside his.

"Slightly more interesting," Kyuhyun concedes. He looks around the room of SJ members and the two Henrys who are already claimed. "Any takers?"

super junior: kyuhyun/zhou mi, super junior: bandfic, super junior

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