[SJ] I'm Not Drunk, Just Intoxicated by You, PG, KiHae

Oct 15, 2011 00:59

alskdjf I wasn't sure I was going to write anything, but I did: I wrote this. This being what it is. Happy birthday, Donghae!

I'm Not Drunk, Just Intoxicated by You
Super Junior, Kibum/Donghae, PG, 2275 words
Movie!verse. Two high school boys walk into a bar... In which Donghae is charming, Kibum wears metaphorical skirts, and boredom leads to interesting life decisions.

"So what's a boy like you doing in a dive like this?"

Kibum looked up, not bothering to hide the incredulity on his face. "That line work for you a lot?" he asked dryly.

The smile he got in return was all teeth. Cocky. "You'd be surprised."

"It's pretty smoky in here," said Kibum. "They were probably confused about who you were."

Donghae flung himself into the booth across from Kibum. "Nah, I'm charming. Irresistible, you might say." He grinned again as Kibum rolled his eyes and returned to his notebook, scritching notes in neat blue pen. "You know, if you wanted to observe people on the sly or whatever, Kibum, you shoulda thought about blending in a little more."

"That's what you're here for." Kibum didn't bother looking up this time. Sure, maybe he didn't totally fit into the smoky restaurant/bar scene in his school uniform, but it couldn't be helped. He hadn't had time after school and tutoring to go home and change before meeting Donghae. He'd stripped off the jacket and tie, at least, and rolled up his sleeves.

Donghae, on the other hand, looked comfortable in tight jean and a black tee, slouching against the seat and eyes roving curiously over the other customers. He tapped his chopsticks restlessly against the plates of banchan scattered across the table.

On Kibum's notebook, he wrote inability to sit still. His pen stilled. Then he added, unless passed out on a textbook.

Pretty much summed up Lee Donghae. He heard music in his head, felt it in his body - he was always moving to a beat no one else heard.

The owners had turned on the TV over the bar. It was late enough that karaoke was an option now. There were rooms in the back, but for those who hadn't come with a group - or didn't want to shell out the big bucks - singing at the bar was their go to. As long as they paid their share in drinks.

Donghae made a face as the strains of something old and kitschy came on. Still, he bobbed his head unconsciously to the music.

"Hey, you should take notes on those girls."

Kibum followed Donghae's line of sight. Two girls who looked university age were sitting in a booth across the small restaurant, talking over their food. They were laughing, leaning over their table to be heard. One glanced away, around the room, and smiled when she caught Donghae's eye.

Donghae winked.

Kibum rolled his eyes. "You know her?"

"Nah. Talked to her earlier though."

Kibum raised an eyebrow and Donghae just smirked. "I have charm, I told you."

"Lingering effects of last year. They'll fade soon."

"Don't be jealous, Kibum. We'll find you a pretty girl of your own."

Kibum wanted to point out that Donghae didn't even have a pretty girl of his own, but settled instead for a half-amused, "No thanks. I'm busy."

It was partly true. It was their last year and summer holidays had just ended, meaning it was time to buckle down to study for exams. Kibum was juggling the typical classwork with tutoring middle school kids on the side. It still left him with a fair bit of time, since school was never tough, which was running this people-watching experiment of his own, too. Shit-flinging wasn't really ideal for a long-term hobby.

Donghae still danced. He did other things too, but Kibum was never clear on what. Sometimes he'd hit the courts for some hoops with the neighborhood kids. Sometimes he was hanging out with Heechul. Sometimes he helped out around various shops. Despite his haphazard, delinquent look, everyone seemed to like him, ahjummas and ahjusshis in particular.

Girls, too, since last year. The effects of shit-bagging had long since faded, but Donghae was still tailed by gaggles of giggling girls. All ages, even. One of girls Kibum tutored - usually a pretty bright kid - turned mute and awkward and faintly pink every time Donghae came around to pester Kibum and get him to call the tutoring session short.

Maybe that's what they call puberty, Kibum mused to himself.

"Dude, are you still hung up on Yuri? Don't be pathetic, she is so over you. I saw her with some guy the other day. Real tall. Looked like a dancer." Donghae looked contemplative. "Pretty good-looking. She could do worse."

"I'm not hung up, I'm still scarred," said Kibum. "I told you, I'm swearing off girls for a while."

Donghae laughed and his eyes lit up. Kibum got the feeling there were few things Donghae enjoyed as much as dancing - but making fun of Kibum was one of them. "Yeah, she's terrifying, right? I told you I shouldn't have introduced you to her!"

He shrugged. "I thought you were just trying to keep her for yourself."

"Are you kidding? After seeing her boss Heechul around?"

The song on the TV changed and a more recent tune erupted out of the speakers. Donghae's spine snapped straight as he heard the familiar opening lines. Kibum hid a smile as Donghae resisted for all of ten seconds before sliding out of the booth and heading to the bar. The dance team had been rehearsing a routine to this song for the school's cultural festival and Donghae was sick to death of it. Nightmares, he whined to Kibum, face grim. You have no idea just how terrible Heechul is.

Jerk, Kibum wrote down in his notebook.

Sweet-talker used to getting his own way, he added, when the song changed and the woman who'd requested passed off the mic to someone else, too distracted by Donghae's smile and the way he leaned in to talk to her. Spoilt.

He was back on his previous page of notes by the time Donghae got back with a bottle of soju the bar probably wasn't supposed to sell them and a broad smile. Kibum filled in his observations of the woman Donghae had been chatting up - late twenties, probably working, probably waiting to meet a friend from the way she had her phone out and had been checking it up until Donghae had diverted her attention completely, and charmed by high school delinquents who smiled with surprisingly boyish enthusiasm - and let Donghae fill up a glass. He set down his notebook and returned the favor.

"Bottoms up," Donghae crowed.

"If I'm hungover in class tomorrow, you're buying me lunch," said Kibum.

"Sure, whatever," said Donghae, who would be passed out over his books regardless. They clinked glasses and tossed back the soju.

It went down warm and smooth. Kibum licked his lips.

Donghae eyed him.

"So about this whole project of yours, this watching people like a creeper thing-"

Kibum gave him a hard look at that description, which Donghae cheerfully ignored.

"How's that going? Do you have enough data or should I order us some real food to go with the soju?"

"We might as well eat since we're here," said Kibum. "And it's fine. I have a decent amount of notes."

"Kibum!" said Donghae, suddenly simpering sweet, and Kibum braced himself as Donghae fluttered his eyelashes ostentatiously. "If you'd wanted to get me out on a date, all you had to do was ask!"

If Kibum rolled his eyes any harder, he'd sprain something. Still, he found himself laughing. "If this is a date, you're paying, being Mr. Popularity and all."

Donghae squinted at his menu. "Depends if you're going to go home after."

"On the first date?"

"I'm good," said Donghae as he raised a hand to flag down the waiter. "It'll make a good story to put on your blog later. I'm giving you material, you should thank me. Your loyal followers will be thrilled to hear about your gentle deflowering."

Kibum couldn't even respond to that with more than a snort. He reached for the soju bottle and refilled Donghae's glass. Donghae waited until he'd put in their order with the waiter before he returned the favor.

"You suck at flirting," he announced as he set the bottle back upright.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were just trying to get your hands up my skirt. Should I be flirting? Should I change my experiment into the techniques of flirting for girls? Middle school girls everywhere will thank me. And then chase you down."

Donghae was delighted. "You pretend to be such a good student," he said. "No one knows the real you, do they?"

No one else did, not quite like Donghae, anyway. It was easier to pretend around everyone else, let them believe whatever they wanted about him, Kim Kibum, the geek, the smart kid who sat quietly in class. The one who was inexplicably friends with the most popular member of the school's dance team, who barely ever studied, who was loud and energetic and only ever quiet in class when he was passed out.

They didn't make much sense to anyone else, not from an outside perspective, but they were both substantially different people from what they presented outwardly. Maybe that was why they clicked.

"I am a good student," Kibum said calmly, biting back a smirk. "Why would I have to pretend?"

"Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean."

"I did quit the student council though," Kibum added thoughtfully.

Donghae narrowed his eyes at him. "Yeah, that's what makes you a delinquent. Not the shit-bagging or the secret creeping for the sake of science."

"It's a legitimate project," said Kibum in exasperation.

Under the table, Donghae's leg knocked into his. "Is it?" His gaze was piercing. Knowing.

Discomfort edged under Kibum's skin. He licked his lips, which were suddenly dry.

Kibum could lie, bald-faced and unrepentant, to anyone, really. Except Donghae. Just like last time. He gave in with a huff of a sigh. "All right, you got me. It's for a blog entry. I was just bored."

"You get bored a lot."

He shrugged. So he did. There wasn't that much to do in high school, was there? He stared at his glass of soju, turning it slowly in his hands. The lights in the restaurant reflected back in it, hazy and wavy.

There was no segue to Donghae suddenly saying, "We could date, you know. If you're bored. It'd give you something to do."

Kibum blinked. He raised his head and stared at Donghae from behind his glasses.

Donghae was still slouched comfortably on the other side of the booth, knee brushing against Kibum's beneath the table. He looked completely at ease, his expression a little curious, as if he were interested in Kibum's response.

"That's what you're going with?" Kibum said incredulously. "Where is this charm I've been hearing about?"

"Well, you didn't seem to like my pick-up lines." And now Donghae was pouting. Jokingly, sure, but Kibum couldn't stifle his disbelieving laugh. Lee Donghae...

"If I suck at flirting, you suck at asking someone out. I'm definitely not letting you up my skirt at this rate."

"So that's a yes?"

"I just said-"

"That you wouldn't let me up your skirt, but that's not a no to the dating. We can work up to the groping." Donghae's smile was hard to resist, as always, infectious. "Give it a shot, Kibum," he wheedled. "It can be an experiment. It's a way better experiment than just watching people. You can blog about it."

"Does everything go back to my blog?"

"It's what drives you to do things when you're bored, isn't it? This is the perfect solution!" Donghae jabbed his chopsticks in Kibum's direction. "Hey, I'm a genius."

Kibum was a smart kid and a good student, but he wasn't the boring, practical person people thought he was. He liked taking some risks now and then. It kept things interesting. So, sure. "Why not?" he said. "Fine. You can start by paying tonight, sweetheart."

"You're a dick," Donghae said, but his voice was fond. "You're a user. You're worse than Heechul."

"I don't think insulting your new girlfriend is a very good boyfriend thing to do," Kibum observed. He made a production of sliding his glass away and pulling out his notebook. "I'll make note. New entry: Former golden boy Lee Donghae stumbles in relationship efforts. Your popularity with middle school girls will nosedive."

Donghae made a pained expression. "I'm crushed. How will I survive? You'll have to kiss it better."

"I told you, you're not getting into my skirt that easily."

"Well then, drink up, Kim Kibum! We'll need to get you nice and sloshed."

"Worst boyfriend ever," Kibum noted solemnly. He wrote it down neatly on his page of Donghae observations, knowing that Donghae was watching. Then he closed the book, met Donghae's eyes, and laughed. They downed their second glass of soju as their food arrived, steaming hot and fragrant.

"Told you I'm charming," Donghae said much later, walking the dark streets on their way home. His hands were shoved in his pockets and his arm was warm against Kibum's. "Went to a bar and picked myself up a nice boy." He tossed his head, hair flipping. "Irresistible, see?"

Kibum shouldered him hard, amused. "Whatever you say, Donghae."

It was the strange start to a strange and newly complicated relationship between them. It had its ups (Heechul's face when he found out) and its downs (Yuri's inability to stop teasing Kibum about his skirts and Donghae's progress into them) and its bizarre moments (a hundred cards wishing him and Donghae well, organized by loyal readers of his blog who also happened to be Donghae fans), but Kibum had to say one thing: It was never boring.


Started: 2011.10.14 | Finished: 2011.10.15

super junior: donghae/kibum, super junior: movie!verse, super junior

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