things that i bought in concrete, washington: -four-pack of camera film ($13 to barstow's $7) -bus ticket home ($150) -notepad & pen at convenience store ($5) -dinner at annie's pizza ($??) -these
today mom told me that grandmother liza liked to save oranges and dry her own fruit peels for potpourri and mothballs. she said that she liked opera and music, and that she was a quiet, soft kind of person - not the severe person i always thought she was from her photograph, a stern-looking businesswoman in a shearling coat and pumps, holding a
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awesome pavilion party at great turtle park tonight (wooden tables littered with cigarette packs and beer cans, a cookout, and twenty or thirty island employees of varying ages and degrees of social grizzledness; standing on a hill with the other wallflowers and a dog named cleo and watching everyone light sparklers below and go bonkers like kids,
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fourteen year old coworker adrienne telling me crazy, convoluted, annie proulx-esque stories about her aunt and uncle winning an iowa mansion in an auction a few years ago from a ringling brothers circus man who kept big cats there (claw marks and litterbox smell everywhere when it changed hands); the top floor is a ballroom they're turning into a
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i just spent the afternoon pitchforking and wheelbarrowing mulchy manure on a community farm locked in on three sides by sun-streaked grasses and flowerless wildflower stalks as high as my shoulders and on a fourth side by old worn wooden dairy barns and a pond across the road
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