SpaceWeather vs. Earth Weather.

Dec 12, 2011 21:18

Okay, so I'm still alive here.
There's just been a lot of random stuff eating up my time, like the christmas preparations.
And I still haven't wrapped my gifts yet...

Unfortunately the elders have both come down sick with a nasty cold, so I'm just waiting to catch it too...

Anyway, on the 5th we were surprised by a front actually dropping sleet on our neighborhood!
(No, it's not quite snow - it's little pellets made up of ice particles stuck together haphazardly - so they're not solid either.)
The mountains presumably got actual snow.

And then on the morning of the 10th there was the lunar eclipse.
(Not a great photo, but a lot better than my last camera did:)

As usual, more pics in the Arizona II gallery.

Edit: I so totally want one of these (not to mention their steampunk stuff):
Gothic/Cyber coats and jackets

More SpaceWeather:
Solar Flare in no hurry to leave
The long line finally breaks
Another bright blast
Sunspot animation

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