Last night was the tightest night. Haven’t had that much fun for a while. Good night to start off not being grounded anymore! I’ll just get to the good part. I hung out with Michelle, Merhawit, Hannah, Jayne and Anthony. Anthony ended up actually driving us, pretty random. We meet up with him and fillies because the party we were going to go to got rolled at 10, yea fuckers, which is better cause I didn’t want to go there anyways but didn’t want to stay home. There were sooo much people at fillies, no joke. It was tight though. We ended up fining a Grossmont party, Whitney and Alyssa told us about it so we ended up chilling with them, which was tight also! So we get to this party and it was hella far but sooo worth it! You have no idea. This party was so much fun, it was cool hanging out with Alyssa and Whitney. Long story straight, I had fun and it was so random. The 112 pictures will fill it out for you
The night started of fitting in Anthony’s small as car with 5 girls and he has NO backseat
We meet up with Alyssa and Whit
I think this is the only picture of merhawit and me from the whole night. She doesn’t like being in pictures!
My little girls
Here are like 5 pictures of the hotties in different posses. LOL
Damn were HOT!
She is really peeing. Lol
I have NO idea what was so funny. lol. I guess it was something REALLY funny. lol
Bathroom break
Literally all in the bathroom
Outside the bathroom
picture time with random guys!
The HOTTEST couple at the party
The bathroom was the pace to be!
Anthony is the SHIT!
We are gangsters!
MATH JUNKIES! Where’s Nicole!?
Ps. Syde sho bob is ugly no!!
The GANG! Where’s a gang!? Lol
Im sooo drunk! Lol
Whoever took this picture needs to DIE!
I thought throwing my gum on the carpet was really funny. Seriously laughed for like 5 min. lol
Can u say ugly?
Get low get low!
Say cheese!
She so was enjoying it!
Can I get a piece of that!?
Here are random ass pictures when we were in the bathroom. Lol
I smelled. Lol
I was drunk OK!
We were hella worried on how we were getting home. Lol
So yea, that was last night. Hope all of u enjoy. lol we sure did!
Seriously, Alyssa and Whit, I had sooo much fun. We need to do it again! Thanks for a random ass good time! LOVE YOU!