almost done

May 26, 2004 14:50

i know you all have been waiting for me to put up the pics from last saturday night. and finally i am doing it!
im not really going to talk about it all that much. it was such a good party and it was about god damn time. at th end of the night it became shitty because a guy named ANTHONY MASINES! molested me. so if any of you know who he is tell him to be aware of what will be happening to him. he messed with the wrong girl. get ready to get your ass so beat you dont know what will hit you. i hope that u will end up in the hospital!

the nights started off with the amazing hannah. she was for sure the star of the paaaarty!!


she is such a thug, and really really drunk. lol

what up gaaaannnssstttaa!

poor hannah lol

now let me tell you! this girl was so drunk. i couldnt even believe it

hmm, i wonder who these girls are. anyone who can name them WINS! LOL

the wonderful tommy. when is he NOT drunk?

tommy is my favorite when he is drunk. too bad sober amanda had to take care of him

i think these two were the drunkest there. or is it that guy that was already throwing up in the bathroom at 10? who knows

look at my little bre. i think she was sad because kim wasnt there. lol

eww! i hate mostafa!

go ahead and BACK that thang up!

me and my howie lol.

can anyone say hooooootie!?

so yea that is all of the pictures that i have. there are some pretty juicy ones too! i know, i am just good like that. i hope next weekend is even better. but my love will be gone! :(
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