Oct 12, 2004 21:33
Well, remember when I was in jury duty? For those of you who wanted to hear about it. The case was someone who did a drug deal at a Circle K, something went wrong, he runs off in his car as the dealers were chasing him. He takes a few shots back at them, and ends up crashing into a field by a Jack in the Box. He proceeds to get a handicapped woman and her daughter out of a car in the parking lot by showing his gun, but as soon as he got in he crashed the car directly back into a light pole. He got out, waved his gun at other cars, but nobody gave him their cars. He ran down the street stopped a couple cars at a stop light, but they sped off. All of these cars had their windows up. Finally he comes up to a car with the window down with a mom driving, her teenage daughter in the passenger seat, and two sons in the back. He says there was someone else on the corner trying to shoot at him and when he ducked his gun went off and accidentally shot through her arm and into the daughter's stomach and out through her butt. They say he grunted, told them to give up their car and then deliberately shot. The story continues that they sped off, while he went on and carjacked a few more cars before finally being apprehended. Luckily, everybody lived, albeit with bad injuries.
To cut to the chase, it was a two week trial and we ended up finding him guilty on all 23 charges. He was sentenced a few weeks ago and got 103 years in prison. I feel we really served justice and it's a good feeling.
In other news, I have an appointment tomorrow at Apple One employment agency so hopefully they'll find something for me soon. I'm not too confident about it, but it's free at least. Wish me luck.