My history with Namie Amuro

Jan 20, 2009 13:28

It's been a lot of years and I can say that I watched Namie grow up from a teenager to a mature adult.

The day that she captured my attention when I was watching 'The Chef'. Her voice was too captivating that I had to see who sang the ending theme song for the j drama. :D

But then this is not the end yet, luckily the local TV aired some Jpop PVs and I managed to see more of her songs, eg. Don't wanna cry. A cute petite girl and along with that, PUFFY took my heart. I went to the biggest CD store in town and managed to see her album 'Sweet 19 Blues' on the racks. So there was where my first Jpop album started and from there, I picked up quite a few avex artistes eg. SPEED and DA PUMP.

I even got the poster that came with her album and it was not cheap for a poor student like me. :p

But I did not give up on her totally when she released news that she was going to give birth and went on almost 1 year hiatus.

There has been constant news about her single/s after her hiatus.

There was Kohaku on TV when she came back and the release of her new single 'I have never seen' was aired on the radio.

I went on to buy her albums and concert vcds, her charismas still hold and she still have some kind of attraction.

Then after she left TK, went on to Hip-Hop RnB stuff which I am not used to it at first. But 'Put Em Up' and collaboration with AI 'Uh..Uh...' blew me away!

Soon after, I followed her closely though I had my other fan-girling commitments. After her Queen of Hip-pop and PLAY albums, she proved to me that she is not someone who follows the rules and regulations. I like people to have their mind of their own.

Namie from TK era euro pop to after hiatus TK music to hip pop music. She is involved in producing, songs selections. I am glad that she does all that and she showed me that she is capable of doing things that she is not confident of. :D

namie amuro: other

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