a while back someone wrote an lj about how lj (and msn) is a way to catch up with old friends without actually having to make the effort of catching up with them. a cyber "hey how's your life been". obviously this is true because these days actually meeting up with a person face to face, flesh to flesh over a steaming cuppa joe is just so primitive
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um, but without being a stupid little kid with my mind in the gutter... I was actually thinking as I read that, that you could be referring to me, but I think everything is referring to me so that's nothing new. Anyway, I just thought that for the record I would mention a few things...
I like long posts - long posts are rad
Nothing is really that boring unless you find yourself boring - I know this is my problem, usually when I post or write anything anywhere I want to be able to read it again later on and be interested in it.
My whole theory on livejournal is that it is a journal - I know this is a lot to swallow for some, but it really is just a journal - I used to write with the huge thought that someone else would be reading it, but these days with my friends only-ness I write more with the idea that I will be reading it - after all, it is for me at the end of the day, so I try to keep it honest and true to whatever it is that is going on at the time.
I do think that people take it too seriously sometimes because after all - it's just another layer of bullshit for everyone to create to enhance their own self worth in some sort of social sphere. I guess that's why I keep my journal as honest and as open as possible, because if I can't be honest with myself, then I can't be honest with other people either and that is something i hate in any aspect of life.
I don't really know what my point is to all of this, but when I read that I felt like writing something as a comment... so I guess this is what has been written =)
At the end of the day, I reckon everyone should just write whatever the fuck they want, if it's too boring for people then they can get rid of them on their friends list and if it's too long they can do the same. After all, it's a journal... nobody ever reads my physical journal and for me livejournal is just an extention of that, not a lot more or less.
It's just life people! It's not the end of the fucking world or anything - who cares if everyone knows every single boring/exciting fact about you? It still doesn't change who you are!
let me just climb down here....
take care Cat...
oh, and people do still have conversations over coffee =)
at least... people i know do...
anyway... that's it from me haha
speaking of long....
heh and i know people still have conversations over coffee i was sorta bein sarcastic about another opinion.
and uhm, brain fart i stole from an incubs song.
and i like long too =)
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