some of you just piss me off

May 17, 2005 23:54

a while back someone wrote an lj about how lj (and msn) is a way to catch up with old friends without actually having to make the effort of catching up with them. a cyber "hey how's your life been". obviously this is true because these days actually meeting up with a person face to face, flesh to flesh over a steaming cuppa joe is just so primitive, i mean it's like so 10 years ago. who really needs human interaction where you're close enough to actually breathe in the scent of another. who needs human contact, really? i should point out that this probably wasn't what he meant when he wrote the post but there was just one sentence in there that made me start thinking about it.

And as far as "hey how's your life been" posts go, it seems that these days a person can barely recount a days event without someone else turning around and accusing them of eating a mediocre sandwich. yes the post pointing out the mediocre sandwich was funny but one begins to wonder what the person was doing reading about the mediocre sandwich in the first place if they find it so boring that they have to point it out it's boringness to the rest of the live journal community. are they torturing themselves reading post that they have no interest in just so they can point out the mediocre sandwichness of it to entertain others but at the expense of another?

and then there's the people that read the humorous mediocre sandwich pointer post and agree with it totally because it has the not so commonly used "mediocre" in it so they decide to re-invent themselves around it. delete all previous posts, start writing in a different style, buy a thesaurus, create a new journal, so they themselves can feel like what there putting out there to the public isn't quite so boring as they previously thought it might be. to them. because it's all a matter of personal opinion. but really, there just writing the same old thing, on a new page, in a different style, with fancy pants words, under a new alias. if they felt like they were boring their readers before, they probably still are in a new way. but do you really think we'd keep you on our friends lists if we didn't want to read what you have to say? maybe. maybe because without your pseudo-name on our details it looks to other like perhaps we too arn't interesting people. maybe not.

idno how many people will read this because it looks like a long post and as we all know long posts= boring. i'd like to point out i dont follow that equation, i read almost every post that appears on my friends page however long it may be. actually alot of what i read really doesn't interest me, but i'll read it anyway so if i ever do see anyone in person i can say "hey how's that thing with that guy" and we can have a real conversation, face to face, flesh to flesh, even with the breathing in of the scents, although that's not a pre-requisite for conversation as a scent is not always strong enough to inhale without personal space being violated.

i know i've probably offended some people with this post and some people will be wondering 'is she talking about me' and i'd like to clear it up but i dont think i could without offending people even more. i'd also like to point out, i don't post very often. i dont post very often because i worry that people will find it boring, that i will be cast into the mediocre sandwich poster category, i half suspect a few people dont read my posts anyway. and i worry that people will judge me on what i write in my lj and that really isn't the point of having a webjournal at all. actually what is the point? it's like a damned if you do damned if you dont type situation, not about whether you have one or not but about the content of it.

screw it, i dont think i really came to any conclusion with this badly written brain fart. i didn't even get to some of the other stuff i was thinking about.

and for the record, i'm aware that i no doubt piss some of you off too.
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