BIG time meme post

Sep 22, 2008 09:37

God damn, I keep on getting tagged into memes all the time! So I finally decided to do a proper meme post. It's been some time since my last meme post. :D

So here comes the ultimate MEME post by me!


When you see this, quote Douglas Adams in your journal.

"So long, and thanks for all the fish."

Sorry, that's the only quote I remember now.


1. Comment on this post

2. I will give you a letter

3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.

1. Christian - Moulin Rouge (movie)
-young boy who was driven MAD by jealousy and love. Earnest, young and a bit naiive, but has a warm heart and cares about people around him.

2. Chihiro (Gyakuten Saiban games)
-a wonderful, brave woman who lost many important things in her life, but found reason to carry on again. Lost her life when she was still young, but continues to watch over her beloved ones from the other side.

3. Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
-young boy who believed in life, but has experienced lots of terrible things. Still continues to go on and protect his friends.

4. Celebii (Pokemon)
-a rare but not very new Pokemon o/

5. Cilla
-has a low self-respect and doesn't believe in herself very much, but devotes herself completely for her friends and family. Loves many things and sees beauty in many things. People think she's always happy and never mad, but she can be very sad and very mad. Talks way too much if given the opportunity, but can be quiet for hours too.
Well I couldn't think of any others! xP

1. Next to each number, write only the name of the person who fits.
2. Answer one question with one name.
3. Don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme.

1. damagea
2. piisamirotta
3. Don't know - too many
4. vitalritari
5. May I answer "me"?
6. eldraug
7. fokushii
8. meablie
9. v00d00_hedgeh0g <3
10. meablie naturally
11. meablie
12. Everyone (except me :p)
13. tubbsen Hahaha, get used to it!!
14. g - hunajasieni / m - dies_dandles
15. Don't we ALL want to do that sometimes? <33
16. eldraug
17. hanagoke =D
18. fokushii guess which one
19. kero_kero
20. ptj_tsubasa
21. eldraug
23. kata_chan
24. fokushii please don't *begs*
25. eldraug ;)
26. v00d00_hedgeh0g I would lure you with lots of R+ smut >D
27. rajuvihainen
28. slacker_me =D
29. v00d00_hedgeh0g ohohoo~ o/
30. Tack så mycket och så vidare.

I was tagged into this meme by at least FOUR people in my flist! @_@ And I know everyone has already done this b*tchy meme and have the questions - if you do have them, then comment about my answers! >:D

1: First word that comes to mind starting with the letter 'B'?
2: Most beautiful thing in your city?
-The nature filled with forests, lakes and swamps.
3: Most desirable comic/graphic novel/animated character?
-Lots... Jack Sparrow! XD
4: Latest style change to your appearance or attire?
-I don't have one particular style - it always changes a bit.
5: Barak Obama?
-I wish he'd win.
6: What do you wear to bed?
-A big T shirt with pyjama bottoms + wollen socks sometimes.
7: What proportion of your income is derived from government funding?
8: Repeat the last text you sent.
9: Who would you turn straight for?
-I'm bi, but Johnny Depp would turn me straight and Michelle Pheiffer would turn me lesbian.
10: Which gay media personality do you most identify with?
11: What was the last good thing you did for your community?
-Teached children in school
12: New Zealand artist?
13: Last illegal drug you purchased?
-Never done that.
14: What city in the world would you like to go to next?
-Jeez, Berlin or Tokyo I guess.
15: What makes you special?
-I hope even SOMETHING.
16: Favourite beach?
-Any beach.
17: What do you think about feet?
-Nice. :D
19: What was the last brand of jeans you wore?
-Don't remember.
20: After-life?
-I hope it's decent.

Over and out.

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