Title: Each Night
Author: Viv
Genre: drama, angst, smutt, fluff
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Simple Plan [music - band]
Pairing: David/Sebastien
Disclaimer: Shit! I forgot to feed them! *runs off*
Summary: This was how it was to be whenever the door was closed and locked and the sun went down. [multi-chaptered: (
01). Complete.]
_daretoglance (simply
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“I love you, blue-eyed angel.”
“Your blue-eyed angel. I love you too.”
So beautiful. I'm sorry I can't say anything better or deeper of this now but I'm kinda stunned of this. Too good, too hot and too beautiful but then again nothing to too hot or good or beautiful.
Aww, thank you. :)
It's too late for me to think anything great in English, is Finnish alright? I can do that...
And now I look like this O_O because it's kinda late and I should go to sleep, so nights!
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