94th Revolution: Totally not looking forward to those stupid resolutions.

Dec 29, 2009 12:51

Well we're getting closer to the end of the year. I take it everyone here is probably going on ahead with deciding things they want to change or do in the upcoming year and I can't blame you all if that happens to be a tradition that you happen to follow. Though for myself it could be considered the same, despite the facts that I was always hindered in carrying those resolutions out due to the interference of several different parties. Due to several events and a slight memento of one which has yet to leave me, I have basically changed my entire outlook on the nature of one's strengths and weaknesses. This has also coincided with how I view people, whom originally I saw as idiots that couldn't find their way out of a paper bag but now see as probably the only things keeping me sane.

And thats quite a few people who've happened to fill that role. An aggravating idiot who was the closest thing to an older brother I've ever had. A caring woman who felt like a mother to me. A feeling I'm still regreting not expressing to her before she left. The former roommates who were crazy but still likable in their own unique way. Well you can exclude Rhyme from that little description, she was the rock in a sea of men with varying personalities. Then there's the flamboyant nutjob who I could consider a mentor of some sorts. Then there are the friends that I made while being here who've come to make this place somewhat more bearable. Despite the fact that some of them have...different senses of humor as well, like a certain suave bar owner whose ideas for gifts we need to have a discussion on.

The only thing I can see in the upcoming year with me is the massive headaches I'm expecting to get trying to educate a pair of idiots on the dangers here and dealing with my feelings on several girls that I happen to know apart from the curses. I always expected puberty to be a pain in ass. Well guess I should go ahead and stop thinking of the past and focus on the present. Probably go ahead and drag Timothy, Neku, the new roommate, and Rin into a snowball fight.

homeboy: timothy, crush what crush?, looking back, pin and headphones: neku, little pidgeon: kobato, she has twix: hotaru, the city, snow is for playing, big sis: rin, thoughtful huey is thoughtful, ray of sunshine: rhyme, crazy older brother figure: tsurugi, retards and hos, pimpin' instructor: chuck, more signs puberty is going to suck, surrogate mommy: sharhazad

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