Dec 28, 2005 23:05
I seem to fail at updating, but last nights spectacle definetly warrants one. My first ever trip to the annual TSO show. Amazing would be an under statement. I have requested pictures from Mr. Collins but I don't even think seeing pictures could do it justice. The only thought that really came to mind was that this is a show every person HAS to see at least once. Sparklers, rotating lighting pipes, fog, lasers, snow, fireballs, swinging hair, glow in the dark violins, rocket propelled JLG Manually Propelled Arial Work Platforms... everything. It was amazing enough to counter my worries before hand on being late due to losing ourselves in boston and finding TGI Majesties was closed down, and then the begining of the concert ticket issue in which apparently our tickets were cancelled and no one told anyone. Even the ticket reading machines that still seemed to think our tickets were valid and let us in. Thanks to Lucas the battle however was won, and we all retained our seats. So it was a great night with great people especially katie ;-) and much fun. I must go next year and it must be greater than or equal to the amazingnessosity of this year.