(no subject)

Feb 12, 2010 23:26

I haven't been updating because my life right now isn't very exciting. Lectures, homework, applications, more homework, etc etc.

The longer I go without updating, the more I don't feel like updating. Idk, feels weird to post now.

I watched Inglorious Basterds a couple of weeks ago. Didn't like it much, surprisingly, since I normally like popular stuff :|a. I only liked the parts with Hans Landa, he just totally commands every scene he's in. I also watched Lawrence of Arabia last week, which I enjoyed more. It's long, more than three hours, but the story's good and I really, really like the visuals. Then I started watching a new series, White Collar, which I really, really love. I don't care if it's just the cheesy con artist charm that's pulling me in and turning me into a flailing fangirl. I marathoned a few episodes yesterday and am all caught up now so I'm re-watching it while waiting for new episodes 8)

Ok ok, a to-do list of sorts.
1. Finish the two GSS forms.
2. The usual homework load.
3. I really, really should take a look at the project I have to do for one of my subjects but after hearing everyone go "omg this is so hard we're all gonna dieeee" ... I kinda want to pretend that it doesn't exist.
4. Take my brother out for lunch/dinner/wtv since it is CNY after all.
5. I think I'll put up some pictures from Munich this weekend.

...I never feel like doing anything useful on Friday nights.

[Edit] Ahahahaha, oh my. When I first started this journal, I did a post that was meant to stay on top of the page, I set the dates in the future and all that. I later put that post on private-lock, but it remained on top of the page.
This post is now on top of that post. I've been on LJ long enough for my forward-dated posts to... no longer be forward-dated. Granted, it's still less than three years but it's the longest I've stuck with any form of social media.
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