Some day you'll know i was the one

Feb 07, 2005 17:58

Ok so the weekend didnt end up being as bad as i thought it would. Actually, it was amazing. Friday went to see The Wedding Date with Lisa. Her brother was supposed to go too but he ended up exchanging his ticket and going to see Million Dollar Baby which was also the same one my parents went to see. "I think id miss you even if id never met you" tee hee, as you can see, the movie we saw was what you would call a 'chick flick'. Yay, so i got to hang out with Lisa, who lives so far away its almost impossible to hang out with her. But luckily, she was around town so 'twas very convenient.

Saturday, was bored half to death. Plans seemed to have failed and i ended up doing nothing. But a little after, james got bored and wanted to hang out. Just to my luck, daddio didnt let me out at 6. I guess it was too late for me to get out. Psh. I need a car...but i dont know really if that would change

Sunday, Superbowl Sunday. Ahh, yes. Probably the most fun this weekend. Well a portion of the chat party wanted to hang out. I figured i wouldnt be allowed to go anywhere considering it was sunday, meaning school the next day of course. But guess what? Party occurred at my house. Allie, Collin, and Kevin came and partied it up around 7 ish. Somehow, while looking through random movies on the shelves in my basement, Collin stumbled across something i never knew first birthday on video...oh joy...So what does he do with it? Pops it in the vcr. Damn him. Little did i know what was on there and little did i want little one year old me seen. Well, they got a kick outta that. And i guess i did too kinda. We came to the conclusion that i was not a loved child. My parents liked to put me in front of the smoke of burning wood and make little me inhale and intoxicate my lungs. Oh, theres a lot more where that came from. I guess the guys saw me trying to open a box of tapes...they assumed they were porn tapes and gotta few hundred laughs outta that. Meh. The video continued through months of my early life. From almost poking my eye out with a fork, to almost knocking over the bird cage, to me walking...yep and i think collin enjoyed the view of the guy in speedos...haha. Note that my life between July and October was fit into a time length of about 5 minutes...And supposedly they got a kick out of my dad attempting to make a song tune while i was walking and whatnot.

Okay so ive randomly put together things that made the day so awesome...

::focuses on cake for ten minutes...shows picture of clock ticking, then back to the cake::

Kevin: "I need a back

Me: nope im good

Kevin: Allie?

Allie: Nope thats okay.

Kevin: Collin?? :)

Collin: *gives kevin an odd look*

"Kiss the tooth!"

::throws snow on collins car:: you guys and your cars...sigh...


And to end it all off, talking in a chatroom including kevin, as he is right next to me...

Allie: I can just imagine you beside each other at a computer. It amuses me"

::hits kevin::   and literally i could do that...cause well, he was right next to me...

Well that just about covers it. I guess the day ended up being a little day to laugh and have superbowl crap, just fun. And friday may be another one of those worry free days. Collin and Kevin (if hes not busy keving) are meeting me and allie and anyone else on friday to hang out some. Kevin you better bring my hat back! Or ill hit you! Me and Allie will gang up on you! And Collin, prepare to find snow on your car...that is, if theres any left by friday. : ) By the way, where we going? lol.

mmkay, aloha!

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