Shes crazy to put up with you

Jan 31, 2005 17:19

I think its just me but for some reason this monday, out of all the days this month, seemed to be one of the greatest, regardless of all the homework i have. Nothing extremely fun happened today but oddly enough it was fun. I guess it was just one of those days. First and second hour seemed to go by so slow but then the pace picked up. Why is it that even in AP class if we discuss so many subjects and watch a movie all in 45 minutes, we still get homework? I guess its safe to say 'its miller, whuddaya expect'. So anyway, i have homework in almost every class and yet im still cheerful. A little tired, but cheerful. Its a good way to end/start the month. Ha and duke couldnt figure out what she did wrong on the math problem and adam just goes 'If you cant do it, how are we supposed to do it?' and she backed it up with some crazy deal saying we're supposed to learn it. Some teacher.

Yea so January wasnt such a great month. What was supposed to be three days of exams turned into what seemed to be a week of hell. Beginning of January  i was locked in my room studying (by orders of my parents). I couldnt go anywhere at all...not even to the mailbox in fear that i may receive a letter, get distracted, and lose the 5 minutes that could have made a difference on my grade. Ok so i studied. Thursday, the day after, we had something completely pointless, called a snowday. Though there wasnt any snow nor ice that kept us from going to school. I mean, it was a a perfect day, but i guess it was a nice break for you people...I again, could not go out. I had to study...bluh. So all exams were pushed back a day meaning the last two exams were pushed to the following tuesday, again, keeping me from going out at all. And that was the longest first week of hell. I dont know exactly why i typed all that up but i just thought you should know. Basically im trying to get the point across that i didnt do anything this month. And today was kinda like a happy ending/good beginning.

I guess all this time i've kinda had time to ponder. Ever just sit and let thoughts run through your head? Kinda fun if you ask me. Anyway, ive come to the fact that things are changing and nothing can stop it. It can only go forward. All you can really do is let it pass and live it to the fullest. Seniors are getting closer and closer to graduation. And soon enough, the class of 2006 will take their place. Odd.

Ever just sit in a room and turn on music and just let it seep through your head? Sorry for the random subject changes but im really just typing whatever comes to my head. The car wash song just popped into my head. No, not the one by that one person, but the one that was remade by Christina Aguilera and MissyElliot.

I kinda have the urge to go through the forest in my backyard and sit in a random spot. But im sure some people wont approve of it. Ha. I kinda wanna get a slurpee at the 7/11 down the street. Angpam care to join me? Do you ever wanna just go out and do something totally random? Of course you do. If not then youre insane.

Ever go in a chatroom and just not type and read what others converse about? I find it amusing how fast the subjects change. Oh and just to note, they can get pretty insane. I mean who knows, you could encounter an online relationship. : Þ

Guess what? The parents are planning on letting me go to Australia this summer, and Im going to Hawaii in 2006. Fun eh? uh huh.

Ive noticed that it isnt fun to be the youngest. There's advantages and disadvantages. Ive found that everytime i hang out, my so called 'curfew' is getting earlier. At first i didnt really have a curfew. But it's went downward to 11 to 10 to 9 to 7:30 to 7. I dont know what the 'rents are thinking but its a bit funny. Ive also noticed that i have no car, nor a license. It seems pointless to me to get a license if i dont get a car for a few months and the cars we have now are used everyday, preventing me from even getting access at all. I mean, i could take my brothers car if i want the engine to fall out in the middle of the road, or the sideview mirrors.  And then i could drive a van around, which isnt too bad cause its a source of transportation but my mom works almost every day so i wont have much luck with that. And then theres my dad's precious intrepid. The one thats huge and he wont let me drive in fear that i might damage his 'business' car. So the only thing left is my sisters blazer. Its in california and shes not coming home for a while...a long while. So no point in getting my hopes up for that. Although i should add that when i do get a source of transportation, i get a black blazer. Hey, its not the greatest car, but its not the worst. And its a way of transportation, so it'll have to do.

I just discovered that the water from arbys that james stuck in my locker last friday is still sitting there. heh.

Guess who didnt meet me at the secret spot to dicuss our secret handshake matters?? Yea! Way to keep my waiting. I'll let you slide this time, but next time, you owe me.

Oh, yesterday my dad was attempting to be ghetto. He picked up the phone and answered with a 'yo' and a poor job of a ghetto persons way of talking. And not too long after he got off the phone he came downstairs with a sideways hat and goes YO! I wanted to take a picture but ran up the stairs so fast and my camera was in my room so it woulda taken too long to set everything up. How often do people get to see their dad act ghetto? Not very. Maybe not at all. Unless their dad is drunk. Then you get a lot more memorable moments. 'FELIZ NAVIDAD!' *flicks everyone off* So everyones dad has a different style of being silly. I find it amusing. It brings me back to *knock knock* whos there? :goes on other side of door: its me, ruben! :goes on other side of door: oh ok! come in! haha, dads are fun arent they? And i love how my parents slowly seem to act like each other. Like my dad tries to describe the simpsons with 'Theyre the yellow ones, with heads, and they talk and they have hair and you watch them sometimes' or trying to describe a news reporter by physical appearance like 'Hes on the news on channel 4 and hes that black guy thats always reporting in different places'. And then my mom soon describes the guy on american idol that reminded her of Samuel Jackson by 'He looks like that one guy, the actor, in that movie that me and dad saw in the theater'. Haha hey pam, CAN YOU DIG IT?! YES YOU CAN DIG IT!

Well i dont know exactly what to say anymore. So i got a little carried away with these thoughts but hopefully you enjoyed. Well happy February everyone, and goodbye January. Summer is on its way. Still quite a while, but once its here, i'll be happy...kinda...

i just wanna ride my motorcyle...  {falls off cliff}   {sjheirdfjher}

{meep meep!...zzzooooommmmmm!}
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