Apr 01, 2008 22:10
Hi, how are you?
It's the 1st Apriil, and I started working at the radio station as a full time worker.
Everything looks new and exciting, but I also found that I would not be able to have
enough time to sub anymore, since I have a lot to learn and need to study at home after work.
I know I haven't subbed Ep 41 (Delete scenes from Adult's 100 rules)
Ep 45, 46, 47,48... however, I'm sorry if it sounds selfish, but I really have to concentrate
on my radio job that has always been my dream since I was seven.
I'm so sorry for not being able to help the people who's been giving lovely comments.
I'm almost finishing to sub Ep 44, so when I upload it to here,
I am very sorry but I have to quit subbing... : (
BUT I will keep updating my LJ with KAT-TUN info.
(I'm sure some members of KAT-TUN or other JE boys would be visiting my radio station)
Anyways, please wait a little little more for Ep 44.
I'm sorry again for not subbing other episodes : (