Yay! The second part is done! : )
Cartoon KAT-TUN Ep50
DAT-TUN 5 Penalty Special 2 in Hokkaido
Continued from last episode, it's the best episodes ever!
The best dad ever!
The best snowman maker, ever!
*yes, I can't still come back to the real world...haha*
01 02 (Download both files and join with HJSplit)
MF gif by
vandi714MF links by
yobebi &
vintersaga Some people told me that they can't download from the sites above,
and they can't use HJSplit. I'm trying to upload the files onto another site now.
Is there any site you recommend?
Kokichan's server is currently only available for softsubs.
And also, sorry to ask a lot of questions, but...
One of the visitors here asked me how to watch softsub/hardsub on Mac.
I have no idea about how to use Mac... could someone tell me, please?
Now, I'll start subbing from Ep44! : )