chiiyo_rin Jan 03, 2013 10:48
item:wigs, angelic pretty, item:blouse, taobao, baby the stars shine bright, item:accessory, metamorphose, innocent world, item:skirt, item:jumperskirt, offbrand, item:onepiece, !wtb, item:hoodie/parka, handmade, item:shoes, item:outerwear, item:novelty, item:hair accessory, alice and the pirates, any brand
chiiyo_rin Dec 13, 2012 09:19
item:wigs, angelic pretty, handmade, item:blouse, item:accessory, item:legwear, item:skirt, !ds, item:hair accessory, offbrand
chiiyo_rin Oct 16, 2012 14:03
item:shoes, angelic pretty, item:blouse, item:wig, item:accessory, metamorphose, item:legwear, innocent world, !ds, item:hair accessory, item:jumperskirt, offbrand, alice and the pirates, an*tai*na, item:onepiece