There's a meme that seems to have invaded my flist (granted, it is extremely small). Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.
I did it twice, because I just love to see the questions people come up with. So be prepared to have answers to all the questions you never asked yourselves about me.
Questions by
maychorian :
1. What's your favorite thing to do when it's hot outside?
Find some place not too hot, and read.
2. Do you write primarily to please yourself or to entertain others?
Good question. When I started writing fics, I wasn't posting them on the internet, and there was only one person reading - I did that for a year. So I'd say I write because I feel compelled to do so. That being said, when I started posting and received comments, I discovered the enormous joy of knowing I had entertained people. Now it's a little bit of both, I guess.
3. What is your life motto?
Not to treat others like I wouldn't like to be treated. And to treat others like I would like to be treated.
4. Is your family big or little? Do you like it that way?
I have a little family: my father is an only child, my mother only has a half-sister, and we don't see her or my cousins very often. So my family is limited to my parents, my two siblings, and my grand-mother. I like it that way. They're all wonderful people and I don't need any other family.
5. What the first thing you hear in the morning?
When it's spring or summer and the holidays, I hear birds. When it's not, my alarm clock.
Questions by
gaelicspirit :
1)Rate in order of importance: money, status, recognition, challenge and explain why.
I'd say... recognition, challenge, status, and money. Money will never be something major for me, I've never felt the need to own many things. But I value the opinion other people have of me. Whatever I do in the future, I'd be pleased if it can be said that I do it well.
2)What in your opinion is the biggest difference between France and the US?
Hmm, tricky question. There are probably a lot of things I don't know about the US. From what I know, there's a lot of little differences (and now I'm reminded of Pulp Fiction...), but if I had to choose a big one, I'd say history. US is a young country when you compare it to France. For example, a lot of our towns (including the one I live in) used to be medieval cities, and it can still be seen in some parts of the town, with very old buildings, churches and cathedrals, or narrow streets. History is a very important subject at school. And it's not like we're thinking about our history all the time, but it's still important
3)Who is your favorite philosopher and why?
Maybe Spinoza. Partly for reasons that have nothing to do with his thought: it's the favorite philosopher of my high school philosophy teacher. He's a man I have a lot of respect for, and who had a lot of influence on me.
4)Do you prefer to be inside or outside and why?
I prefer to be inside. Maybe because I feel more safe and cozy.
5)If you could go back in time to any era, what would it be and why?
Maybe the Renaissance era, for its intellectual renewal (although as a woman, I probably wouldn't have been able to take part...).
If anyone is game, go ahead..