
Nov 10, 2007 19:35

Place an X for all that apply.

[ X ] You have a huge collection of Kurama pics saved on your computer.

[ ] You carry a picture of him in your purse.

[ ] You have dreams about Kurama when your sleeping.

[ ] You spend alot of sleepless nights surfing the web looking for facts about Kurama, even though you know every single detail about him.

[ ] You keep bugging your best friend about how cute Kurama is.

[ X ] Your notebook is full of "Kurama" .

[ X ] You keep a picture of Kurama in your locker.

[ X ] Your email address has kurama or something related to kurama in it.

[ ] Your diary is full of entries about Kurama.

[ X ] You build your own web page dedicated to Kurama.

[ ] You write loads of poems about Kurama.

[ ] You believe that Kurama really exists.

[ X ] You write a fanfic about Kurama.

[ ] You prefer the redhead, green-eyed, intellectual type rather than the tall, dark and handsome type that you used to dream about before.

[ X ] Other than the redhead, green-eyed, intellectual type, you also prefer the tall, white haired thief.

[ X ] When you see a rose, you think of Kurama.

[ ] Your pets are named after Kurama.

[ ] You imagine that you can pull a rose from your hair.

[ ] You recite lines said by Kurama in the TV series or in the movie.

[ ] You have become a plant expert and you can name every plant there is to know.

[ X ] You have a garden in your backyard.

[ ] You get Kurama's portrait painted onto your wall.

[ X ] You own a shirt with Kurama's face on it.

[ ] When you have some problems or when you cry you think of Kurama.

[ X ] When someone insults Kurama you defend him.

[ X ] When someone says that Kurama is gay you argue with them.

[ ] You know all of Kurama`s lines and you recite them so much that your parents and friends know what you are going to say.

[ X ] You draw many fanarts of him.

[ X ] Roses are now your favorite flower. (that is if they weren`t already.)

[ ] You dyed your hair red and bought green contact lenses.

[ X ] You make the red rose your trademark.

[ ] All of your achievements are dedicated to Kurama.

[ X ] You own heart shape boxers that remind you of kurama.

[ ] Your first thought of the day is Kurama.

[ ] Your last thought of the day is Kurama.

[ X ] You download/buy every episode/manga/movie/picture/song/poster
/toy/figurine/etc. you can find of Kurama.

[ ] You sit there drooling at everything you’ve bought/downloaded.

[ ] You absolutely detested school, but after knowing Kurama, you excelled in every subject. (this didn`t work for me. I still HATE school)

[ X ] You are delighted when someone gives you a rose.

[ ] You go to a tailor shop to get yourself a pink uniform.

[ ] You learn to love biology.

[ ] When your friends can't get your attention because you are daydreaming
about Kurama.

[ X] When the show comes on TV and it's a Kurama battle, and some
one makes a noise, you beat them up for talking when Kurama is speaking.

[ ] You almost killed your parents for tearing down the fanart that you made of him.

[ ] You look at pictures of Kurama all day, even though you`ve already seen every picture there is.

[ X ] When you watch YYH with a friend, you tell them not to talk when Kurama is speaking. If they do talk, you take out your rose whip that you made and slash them 100 times!

[ X ] You get yourself into one of those "Kurama isn`t gay!" fights with

[ X ] Your have a Kurama desktop wallpaper.

[ X ] Your icons,curser, avatars, are all kurama.

[ ] You got yourself a Kurama tattoo.

[ X ] You stopped being reasonable and insist that red hair goes well with pink.

[ ] Your trying to find a school called ‘Mieou High’.

[ ] You actually enrolled at Mieou High.

[ X ] You have a Kurama plushie

[ X ] Once in a while, you say Kurama's name aloud for no reason at all (Usually without meaning to do so

[ X ] You see the opening line for Knight Hunters (Even if Roses only have thorns, all plants can be deadly) You automatically think that it should be one of Kurama's line.

[ X ] You consider the Knight Hunters to be Major Kuramatic's at heart because they are assassins working in a flower shop.


As of now, there is still no cure to this disease. The only way to get out of it is to stop thinking about Kurama. However this method is not advisable because cases of mental illness are reported due to this procedure. If you have one or more of these symptoms and you believe that you somehow caught the disease, there is no need to worry.....FOR YOU ARE NOT ALONE!


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