✿ Forty-Second Ink Drop ✿ - [Action]

Jul 20, 2011 01:24

[Ugh...her head hurt. Her head and back and muscles and entire god damn body hurt. Miyabi opened her eyes slowly, still groggy from her surprise kidnapping...some time ago, whatever day it was now, and looked around. Well, the forest still looked the same, which was good. She could navigate the forest easily, seeing as how she was in it so often ( Read more... )

[char] - haruhi suzumiya, [char] - asch the bloody, [char] - issun, tiny thing, return from mallynap!, [char] - aisling, [char] - grune, [char] - san, forever small, [char] - repede, [char] - amaterasu, wolf again

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[AUGH I LOVE CHIBI ;A; / I guess this is forest later or something / magic things can see 'em right aisling_dearmad July 20 2011, 13:39:19 UTC
[...why do you have tattoos puppy??

following following~]


I honestly just giggled like a loon when I read this. |Db And yes, magic things see them. sun_puppy July 20 2011, 19:52:11 UTC
[Miyabi's running pretty fast - no where near Ammy's level, but still quick - though the addition of more steps behind her makes the wolf slow to a halt, ears perked right up. What was following her? She tries looking around, but the view from down below isn't exactly the best one ever.

It could just be a forest animal, or maybe Moro, but Miyabi wanted to be sure. There was always that chance of danger, after all. She lifts her head, trying to get a good whiff of the air. Something...something was following her. And from what she could faintly sense, it was not a norma animal or person...]


awesome ok [action] aisling_dearmad July 20 2011, 19:57:50 UTC
[sniff sniff.

hello tiny thing!]


[action] sun_puppy July 20 2011, 21:22:40 UTC

Are not Ammy. And nor are you Moro. So...who are you? Miyabi tilts her head curiously, and takes a few cautious steps toward this strange, beautiful, new wolf, making a curious noise.]


[action] ....heehee btw sonofasunpooch is one of mine aisling_dearmad July 20 2011, 23:39:35 UTC

Getting up in the face of other wolves is okay. Aisling trots over, sniffing and examining those funny red markings.

Her tail wags.]


[action] :o I'm using quite a few icons from that journal! sun_puppy July 21 2011, 03:28:16 UTC
[Miyabi whines, though it's a more happy, pleasant sound than one of fear or discomfort. Her own tail wags, though she tries to see just what this new wolf was nudging at so insistently. She notes the wing-like appendages on her shoulders first, and her ears prick up.

She has definitely seen those before, on a different white canine.]


[action] I saw them :'D chibi is so darned cute aisling_dearmad July 21 2011, 20:09:42 UTC
[yeah what are those anyways?

Aisling takes a few steps back, then shifts in a swirl of mist, now kneeling on the ground....which puts her at about eye level with Miyabi.]

You're not a normal wolf, are you?

[can I pick you up puppy]


[action] He really is. :'D I need more icons of him. sun_puppy July 22 2011, 00:22:29 UTC
[Wha--holy cow! Miyabi backs up a step, her ears and tail raising somewhat. That was...really unexpected. Though this new person is just a little girl. A strange and definitely magical little girl. A spirit, maybe? Miyabi leans back in towards her, sniffing inquisitively, and nods her head.

Oh, yes, she's no ordinary wolf, if she's been turned into who she thinks she's been turned into. G-Gods, and if she has...she's going to be feeling all kinds of guilty. And weird.]


[action] aisling_dearmad July 22 2011, 23:45:44 UTC
[...wow! That was sort of a rhetorical question, but this itsy tattooed wolf understood! Nifty.]

You know, someone asked me if I was the guardian of this forest. But I only just got here, and my forest is somewhere far away. Was it you they were looking for?


[action] sun_puppy July 23 2011, 12:16:12 UTC
[Guardian of the forest? Aha, no. That role goes to Moro. Miyabi shakes her head, then tries to get the message across that the true guardian of the forest was a big wolf - a really ferocious one. She stands up on her hind legs, holding up her front limbs to try and make herself taller, bigger, and then flops down onto all fours and growls.

Big, angry, scary, white wolf - that's Moro. ...Did you get that?]


[action] aisling_dearmad July 23 2011, 12:31:39 UTC
Yes, that's her! That was the giant talking wolf who asked me.


[action] sun_puppy July 23 2011, 23:34:53 UTC
[Yes, yes! That's Moro! What an impression, little spirit, you could pass for her if you tried, definitely. Barking and wagging her tail, Miyabi nods her head. Moro's the guardian of this forest, even if it's self imposed. But who are you, little spirit? Did you just arrive recently? Miyabi's never seen you around before.

She whines, and tilts her head, and begins pawing inquisitively at Aisling's leg. What's your name?]


[action] aisling_dearmad July 23 2011, 23:45:39 UTC
[Aisling didn't get the part where Moro is the guardian in question - she's...not quite as big as usual, right now - but they have come to an agreement on something and that is good.]

I'm Aisling.


[action] sun_puppy July 24 2011, 15:26:43 UTC
[Miyabi swishes her tail, and bows her head in a bit of mock greeting. Hello, Aisling, it's a pleasure. Unfortunately, Miyabi can't speak her name, it coming out only as a soft yip, but maybe she can try writing it! She could do that before, when she was a wolf long ago.

So, with a flick of her short tail, Miyabi tries to write her name in the ground, but all that happens is either a flower or two sprouting from the ground, or a messy scribble of ink plashes on the ground. ...Great, she can't write, either.]


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