✿ Forty-Second Ink Drop ✿ - [Action]

Jul 20, 2011 01:24

[Ugh...her head hurt. Her head and back and muscles and entire god damn body hurt. Miyabi opened her eyes slowly, still groggy from her surprise kidnapping...some time ago, whatever day it was now, and looked around. Well, the forest still looked the same, which was good. She could navigate the forest easily, seeing as how she was in it so often ( Read more... )

[char] - haruhi suzumiya, [char] - asch the bloody, [char] - issun, tiny thing, return from mallynap!, [char] - aisling, [char] - grune, [char] - san, forever small, [char] - repede, [char] - amaterasu, wolf again

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Comments 140

[AUGH I LOVE CHIBI ;A; / I guess this is forest later or something / magic things can see 'em right aisling_dearmad July 20 2011, 13:39:19 UTC
[...why do you have tattoos puppy??

following following~]


I honestly just giggled like a loon when I read this. |Db And yes, magic things see them. sun_puppy July 20 2011, 19:52:11 UTC
[Miyabi's running pretty fast - no where near Ammy's level, but still quick - though the addition of more steps behind her makes the wolf slow to a halt, ears perked right up. What was following her? She tries looking around, but the view from down below isn't exactly the best one ever.

It could just be a forest animal, or maybe Moro, but Miyabi wanted to be sure. There was always that chance of danger, after all. She lifts her head, trying to get a good whiff of the air. Something...something was following her. And from what she could faintly sense, it was not a norma animal or person...]


awesome ok [action] aisling_dearmad July 20 2011, 19:57:50 UTC
[sniff sniff.

hello tiny thing!]


[action] sun_puppy July 20 2011, 21:22:40 UTC

Are not Ammy. And nor are you Moro. So...who are you? Miyabi tilts her head curiously, and takes a few cautious steps toward this strange, beautiful, new wolf, making a curious noise.]


forestpride July 20 2011, 14:28:37 UTC
[What is this tiny white wolf, going through the forest. It almost looks like Amaterasu...but not quite.

San stops and kneels there in the little wolf's path.]


sun_puppy July 20 2011, 20:58:51 UTC
[Miyabi blinks when someone so suddenly appears in her path, though her tail begins to wag once she realizes it's just San. With a happy yip, Miyabi approaches her. Hi, San! |D]


forestpride July 20 2011, 20:59:51 UTC
Are you an ordinary wolf?

[She has seen Ammy and knows who and what she is...would that make a difference?]


chiisaichou July 20 2011, 21:29:36 UTC

[What? Normal? Miyabi tilts her head and tries to look at herself, but it's...kind of hard to. All she can see of her tiny body is her white tail, and a bit of...flame?

Oh my god, she's on fire. Miyabi jumps and immediately begins to roll, kicking her legs and making loud noises. Seems like she hasn't yet realized she's the miniature version of the sun goddess.]


[Action] rabidrapido July 20 2011, 15:34:53 UTC
[Here was Repede, minding his own business in the plaza when he comes across the little guy by the smithy. What the...was that...Ammy? No the smell is wrong. He slowly tilts his head to one side.

Repede will start to appear in the window reflection as well as he comes closer to Chibi.]


[Action] sun_puppy July 21 2011, 03:15:41 UTC
[After her initial freak out, Miyabi's just kind of pacing outside the smithy, looking at her reflection and putting up her paws on the glass. It all seemed so strange. She was Ammy now, right? Just smaller. She even had the same red markings, the same divine instrument...could she change it, like Ammy could? Ammy could use three types of weapons, so...

It's only when she sees Repede's growing image in the mirror that she perks her ears up and looks over her shoulder. Oh, hey, Arashi. Tailwags for you.]


[Action] rabidrapido July 21 2011, 03:20:05 UTC
[Headtilt. He comes forward and gives you a sniff in greeting. His nose probably tickles.]

Aroo? [You don't smell like Ammy, and yet you do. So very confused and since when did Ammy have a pup?]


[Action] sun_puppy July 21 2011, 22:40:32 UTC
[Yes, yes it does tickle. Miyabi whines and flops over onto her side, wiggling her legs and tail. Though after a bit of playful fun, Miyabi rights herself and tries to talk to Repede, maybe to say hello or just tell him who she was - he looked confused, after all.

Of course, all that comes out of her mouth is barking. ...Oh, gods, looks like she can't talk this time around. Lovely.]


lostinmyway July 20 2011, 17:38:15 UTC
[Grune is taking a walk in the woods when she notices something small and white running on by. Investigating, she discovers….] Oh, my! It's a puppy!

[She kneels down and stretches out a hand to try to coax the puppy to her.]


sun_puppy July 20 2011, 21:17:18 UTC
[Screeching to a halt, Miyabi looks around, then spots Grune, and more importantly her outstretched hand. ...Why does that hand seem so, so compelling? She hops right on over, tail wagging, and touches her nose to Grune's hand.

Hello, there, Grune!]


lostinmyway July 20 2011, 23:09:49 UTC
[Grune giggles at the bump of a wet nose.] Oh, you're so cute!

[Have some ear-scritches!]


sun_puppy July 21 2011, 03:19:36 UTC
[O-Oh gods right there, right behind the ears, aaaah~ ♥ Miyabi made a pleased whine and leaned her head right into Grune's palm. Her tail wags to and fro even more, slicing the air with each swipe.]



Action; divinepooch July 20 2011, 18:31:22 UTC
[Ammy stands across the pathway, just... staaaaring at the little babby wolf. She looks familiar, and not just because she looks like her. She's...




Action; sun_puppy July 20 2011, 20:47:59 UTC
[That tiny puppy still looks frazzled, and is pawing at its reflection in the shop window. Whyyy did the Malnosso turn her into a shrunken Amaterasu?! I mean...Ammy was here already, right?! This was idiotic! Why have two Ammys?!

Miyabi whines loudly, and blinks when she spies her larger counterpart in the window's reflection. She turns, then folds her hears down once she spots the goddess. ;A; Ammyyy...! LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO ME, I CAN'T CHANGE BACK, I'M SORRY IF THIS IS DISRESPECTFUL, OH MY GOD, DON'T HATE ME.

...Is that she would have said, more or less, if she could actually talk. Instead, the little pup just yips and yaps and hangs its head as it trudges over. You can practically see the little raincloud over its head.]


Action; divinepooch July 21 2011, 00:21:20 UTC
[... Well, she can definitely tell this tiny wolf isn't related to her. She may have the markings, but something tells her she knows who this is.

Once the pup gets closer, Ammy leans her head down to bump her snout against Miyabi's chest fur. Hey there, little poncle. What did they do to you?]


Action; sun_puppy July 21 2011, 17:29:47 UTC
[Miyabi whines again, and curls herself over Ammy's neck. It's good that Ammy doesn't feel insulted or anything like that - it's really not surprising, what with the wolf being so understanding - but she still feels so very strange, and violated. Just why did the Malnosso want another Ammy around in Luceti? And why shrink her, too? Were they really that mean? It's as if they were just insulting her now...

Grumbling unhappily, Miyabi nuzzles into Ammy's fur, close to her own chest. There really wasn't anywhere else she could reach without jumping or standing.]


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