Third Ink Drop | Action

Nov 26, 2009 18:36

[Anyone wondering around the city will see a very familiar golden light bouncing this way and that from one shop to the next, mostly followed around by a large, lazy black bear - who probably wants nothing more than to just sleep right now. She rolls a large scroll, with great difficulty, from one of the stores, and the bear picks it up in its ( Read more... )

art fu!, [char] - peony upala malkuth ix, [char] - rohan, [char] - salt, [char] - sonic, not as bad as she says, letters, i won't forget!, my dearest friends, [char] - amaterasu

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enrappigtured November 27 2009, 04:03:06 UTC
[Peony is walking around when he sees Miya. He stops to admire the painting.]


chiisaichou November 27 2009, 05:00:33 UTC
[ Miya hears the crunch of snow behind her, mostly because her bear friend shifted in its nap near here, yawning, but she soon spots the man. Smiling, then waves, though he probably couldn't see. She then opts for a little hop.]

I-I hope I got you right, Peony.

[Peony may notice a cute little snowman next to him and Anise - who are close together in the painting - and a few subtle peonies in the bushes close to them, too.She's taken careful care to add even the tiniest, minute details. This painting was special.]


enrappigtured November 27 2009, 05:21:07 UTC
It's perfect.

[He indeed notices the tiny details, and he smiles when he sees the peonies.]

Where are you in the painting?


chiisaichou November 27 2009, 05:57:18 UTC
[Miya blinks, then notices indeed that... she is not in this. Oops! Even good ol' Issun is there, on Ammy's head. But the painter of the mural is happily absent.]

Oh, uhm... Well, this picture's not really exactly meant for me... I-I guess I could add myself in there somewhere...

[And she's going to be looking for a spot to paint herself in, holding her brush. Maybe by the bear? On one of the branches? Near the trunk, painting, or close to her friends? It was a hard choice.] Where should I put myself in?


enrappigtured November 27 2009, 06:11:13 UTC
[There is a spot on the tree near the middle - it seems empty somehow, like the group of happy people isn't complete without adding something to that space. Peony points to that spot.]

How about here?


chiisaichou November 27 2009, 16:49:19 UTC
[Miya looks at the spot, tilting her head. Hm...yes. That could work perfectly, actually. The painter takes hold of her brush, dipping it into a bit of yellow, and jumps forward, twirling, to form a soft yellow circle. She leaps back, into the black, and draws her miniature body.]

There. Is it okay?


enrappigtured November 28 2009, 02:43:26 UTC
Now the painting's complete.


chiisaichou November 28 2009, 03:02:38 UTC
[Oh, Peony... Miya's going to miss you. And is, for once in her life, glad for how small she is. It hides the fact that she's wiping her face free of some happy and sad tears. It was going to be painful to leave all her friends behind here.]

Yeah, I guess it is... ♥


enrappigtured November 28 2009, 03:10:26 UTC
[Unfortunately, Peony isn't a good emperor for nothing, and he notices the tear wiping.:( He chooses not to comment on it, though.]

...You're taking the offer?


chiisaichou November 28 2009, 17:43:43 UTC
[She nods slowly, and peers up at the much larger man, then back at her painting.]

Yes...if me being here is really bad for my homeland, then I have to return. Bad things are already happening there. I-I don't want anything worse to happen because of me.


enrappigtured November 28 2009, 23:32:52 UTC
I also need to get back to my world. I have...responsibilities there.


chiisaichou November 28 2009, 23:54:49 UTC
[Miya can't help but be curious. She tilts her head and looks at her dear friend.]

Really, Mister Peony? Like what?


enrappigtured November 29 2009, 00:05:02 UTC
I have my duties as Emperor of Malkuth to consider.


chiisaichou November 29 2009, 00:24:00 UTC
Oh, I see!

[Wait for it. :|]


. . .

. . .


[Oh, gods! A-And she acted so casually around you! Aaahh, what would everyone think! The ponclet bows low and deep, three times, and flails. Why didn't you tell her, Peony!?]

O-Oh, I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were--I-I...Ah, I-I'll draw a better painting of you, I promise! I-I'm so sorry, Your Majesty!


enrappigtured November 29 2009, 00:35:03 UTC
[pffft oh Miya]

There's no need for that. And you can still call me Peony, you know.


chiisaichou November 29 2009, 00:50:50 UTC
B-But...! You're an Emperor! You should be treated as one and--You didn't tell me! Peony, you didn't tell me, you meanie! [Have some furious bouncing, your majesty.] I-I should draw a Cherry Bomb and throw it at you! You're just lucky I don't want to! Hmph...

What's Malkuth? [Ping! One track mind!] Is that your world, then? I'll bet you're a great Emperor, Peony! Even if you're mean and didn't tell me about your status, you're very nice. Ohh~ I bet you have a big palace and maids and all kinds of lovely things...What's it like?


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