Third Ink Drop | Action

Nov 26, 2009 18:36

[Anyone wondering around the city will see a very familiar golden light bouncing this way and that from one shop to the next, mostly followed around by a large, lazy black bear - who probably wants nothing more than to just sleep right now. She rolls a large scroll, with great difficulty, from one of the stores, and the bear picks it up in its mouth by the ties holding it together. Miya heaves a moderately sized cloth sack onto the bear as well, leaping up onto its head a moment after. She instructs it in a squeaky whisper, and it bounds away. She looks determined, like she has a lot on her mind, so follow if you'd like, but she won't notice if you call out to her. Though someone may or may not notice a recognizable letter flutter from her overstuffed sack.

She reaches her destined point, a small ways away from the city, a nice little glade with a big rock in the middle. She unties the scroll and, with help from the bear, leans it up against the rock.]

Thank you very much...

[Miya cooes, taking out a bit of fish from the market as a gift for the bear. She lets him munch his treat in silence, busying herself meanwhile. A large amount of paints lay around her and, she's gazing first at one of the many letters in her hands, then at the large piece of parchment before her, in silence. Her voice is quiet when she speaks, grabbing her sword from her side. and holding the brush tip tightly.]

Does me being here really hurt the people back home? Is it bad that I stay here? I...I should go home, but-- [She then huffs, and leaps forward, dipping Sumomo into a bit on ink, and bouncing instead towards the parchment, drawing a long line. She keeps this up, looking like a dancer as well as a painter, with the way she moves from one pot to the paper, back and forth, splashing ink and paint here, there, a twirl, a leap...!]

'The heart remembers what the mind forgets.' The time here, the people I've met... Even if it was short...

[And she glows brightly, moving with vigor, and painting with passion; with heart. The end product, though it takes some time, is of a massive cherry blossom tree in full pink bloom, petals cascading all around it. At the top of the curling tree is little Salt with his trumpet, calling forth the blazing Sun, Amaterasu's image soaring down from it. Within the tree's sturdy branches are the people she's met so far - Peony, Anise, Raven, Sonic, Arche and others, though those she has not seen enough of are smaller, distant figures. Or just names written in elegant kanji on the sides of her painting. There's even the sleepy bear, and a few other animals lining painting's edges. She sighs, cupping her hands together and closing her eyes when she's done.]

I will not forget. ♥

art fu!, [char] - peony upala malkuth ix, [char] - rohan, [char] - salt, [char] - sonic, not as bad as she says, letters, i won't forget!, my dearest friends, [char] - amaterasu

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