JAPAN prologue

Sep 21, 2013 20:42

The sun is still shining so bright everyday although it's supposed to be fall. But the wind is very strong that if I go out at night, it will be more windy. I arrived at September 17, and landed at Narita Airport. In the way to my apartment, I saw Disneyland! XD hohohoho

It's the road in front of my apartment. I'm staying in the apartment at Seiseki Sakuragaoka in Tama city. It's a suburb area of Tokyo, and took about 45 minutes to my campus. I commute by train everyday, and because the new semester hasn't started yet, it's not that crowded..

I got some friends from China, Spain, France, and other countries too, but I don't have a friend from Indonesia! O.O I'm the only one coming from Indonesia this autumn, and it's not that good because I have to speak Japanese and English everyday, and seriously, it's tiring because I'm not used to talk in both languages everyday. For English, I just used it when I talked in lj or facebook, and it went the same with Japanese. But for daily conversation like this, it's really tiring.. I'm lack of vocabularies, and my English and Japanese aren't that good. I've often made my friends confused with what I said. XDDDD feel bad for it
By the way, my campus is Chuo University, and it's sooooo big.. O.O

It's sooo big that the first time I saw it, my jaw dropped and it went the same with everyone who came together with me. O.O
My class will start next week, and I hope I can survive.. #sigh

By the way, yesterday I just knew that Yamada Chihiro visited Seiseki Sakuragaoka 2 days before I got here!!! +____+ Gosh...
Ah maybe I should stop before I put other HQ photos here and spam everyone's wall with my random story. XDD hahahahaha
Ah, and I just bought a hat for winter! In Indonesia there's no winter, and I have nothing for winter.. O.O so I think I have to buy winter clothes as soon as possible..

It's just a prologue, a start of my adventure. Maybe later I'll share more of my story, but it's enough for now. Hohohoho
see ya


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