For whom it may concern

Aug 25, 2013 22:09

Hello.. =)
I want to apologize properly to spam my friend's page with my announcement.
I just want to tell you whoever still reading or checking my journal about this.

I apologized once again, I still didn't have any chance to come to read and post any fics here. Everything went beyond my expectation before, therefore I couldn't do as what I said I'd do in my last post. I planned to post the continuation of my fics after my last post, but then I got another news that made me have to be busier.
Shortly, from the middle of next month, I'll be in Japan for a year.
I didn't appear again in lj because I had to prepare so many things because the news came unexpectedly, and my mind was on a mess.

For the continuation of my fics and the life of my lj, I definitely will try to keep them.
As what I've said before, I've prepared some chapters of my fics, but yeah, time problem. And sorry for some friends whose fics I've given a spot before. T^T
I don't know what will happen during my stay in Japan, so I couldn't promise that I'll be active in this fandom. But I'll leave my fanfics in my big sis, and she agreed to post it for me, if anyone wanted it. Maybe the ones those will come from me is post of my daily life. I'm not sure, ehe.
For comment, I'm sorry, there are many comments I haven't replied.. T^T I'M DEEPLY APOLOGIZING FOR IT.

Last, I'm once again thanking you for still reading this, and apologizing if I've disappointed any of you. (><)
And I don't mind if maybe there's any of you who feel disappointed with me and decided to unfriend me. (><) It's okay. =)


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