For whom it may concern

Aug 25, 2013 22:09

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fifi1048 August 25 2013, 16:48:37 UTC
Anoo Iv-channnn... You're just saying you're going on an unknown time of hiatus right? You're not gonna stop entirely right?

Anyway, I hope Iv-chan have a fun year in Japan! Make sure to go to concerts! Hahaha and although it's gonna sound weird, you should go harajuku to stalk Johnny's Jrs! They'll always walk there! Oh oh oh! If you find any nice melon pan in any outlet, recommend me.

I'll be going to Japan next year maybe around September or October for a week or two. Maybe we can meet up or something. You have been the only LJ friend in the same fandom that I have actually been in somewhat in contact with for so long. Just remember that I love you no matter what happens and I'll try to be there for you if you need me. *hugs tightly* munyaa munyaa~



chii_mao_13 August 26 2013, 15:37:28 UTC
Noooo writing is my hobby and there's no way I can stop writing.. XDD and I've fallen in love with lj, so I won't stop entirely yo, fifi-chan.. (><)

but uwaaa long time not talking with ya!!! XDD
T^T thank you fifi-chan for your support.. gyahahahaha i have to remember how to behave, or else I'd end up being deported due to JE talents excessive stalking accusation. LOL
Okayyyy!! X3 you love melon pan? XD

uwaa i'll be back again in September.. T^T uwaa. but when you plan to go there before it, tell me and I'll try to meet you! XD
uwaaa *rabbit hugs for you* you're my precious lemon tea friend, fifi-chan, and I feel really thankful that I know you! thank you so much fifi-chan!!!! *big bear hugs*
arigachii!!! (><) ganbarimasu!!
and ganbatte for you too!!!


fifi1048 August 27 2013, 13:40:24 UTC
That's good to hear! Yay~ so Iv-chan is just gonna be on hiatus like me I guess. xDD Awwww~ I know right~ I'm loving LJ because of the people I talk through fics~ like Iv-chan! ^^

Deshou ne~ Hisashiburi desu ne~
I'll always support Iv-chan till end of the earth! Lol. You'll be amazed that there's a lot of people who doesn't behave in Japan. xDD Just be warned about peak period for trains! Be careful Iv-chan~

Hmmm should I make a short trip in May? Will you be there already?
Yay!! *bunny hugssss* you're the most lemon tea party friends for me too! (there isn't much in Japan by the way. The best is Kirin which you can only get at Daiso or 7-eleven kind of mini mart) I'm glad found you too Iv-chan!! *glomps*


chii_mao_13 August 30 2013, 15:21:35 UTC
we're busy with our own life, and it can't be helped. T^T
Yep yep.. too many precious things, too worth to be left. XDD

Hohohohohoho fifi-chan you ever stayed in Japan too, I guess.. XDD when and how long? XDDD kyaaa it's really nice to feel the atmosphere there ne. XD
yes, that's one of many things scaring me now. I have to commute by train to the campus, and I don't like being in the middle of crowd. T^T T^T T^T huks thank you so much for warning me, fifi-chan *bunny hugs*

uwaaaaa yes I'll be there. XD ehehehe I'll be there until september.. ohohoho
gyaaaaaa i guess i've ever heard about that kirin. XD nyohohohohoho
maybe i'll try to find the nearest minimart first as soon as I get there. thank you for your advice, fifi-chan!!!! it surely will help me! XDDDD YAY for lemon tea!!!!
ohohoho the last time I stayed there, I was a chocolate maniac, so what I always bought from jidouhanbaiki was chocolate drink. LOL



fifi1048 August 31 2013, 01:39:02 UTC
*sigh* that's life~ maa~~

Yup~ Went to Japan for 2 weeks. 1 week was in tokyo 5 days in Kansai and 2 days in Fukuoka. It was a hectic trip for Kansai and Fukuoka since we were caught in the storm a lot. It was typhoon season that time. I like tokyo atmosphere compare to the other two. Seriously, umbrella doesnt help. Drenchcoat or those raincoats are better. LOL

Fine a buddy to cling unto. I would usually find a small like really at the end of the train or if not i try to look out for nice looking guys to lean onto. :p There are some who are will to stand back to back with you to support you during crowds.

Woohoo!!! But which part of Japan will Iv-cahn be staying at? OHHHHH. I'll be going in september too but that's not confirm yet.
Hahahaha~ the cheapest is at daiso though. I bought 3 at once just to stock up. xD Glad I can be your online help Iv-chan xDD i only bought hot green tea from there. .__.

Daijoubu~ Iv-cahan will surely be able to get around safely.


chii_mao_13 September 21 2013, 10:46:59 UTC
Gomen for the late reply, fifi-chan!!! (><)

uwaaaa the last time i got in Japan, it was summer and it wasn't that different from Indonesia, I mean, the weather.. XDDD
but typhoon is so extreme, that my friend here had her plane delayed because of it.. O.O

uwaaaa okay, i'll remember it fifi-chan. (><) i go to the campus by train, and because my place is a suburb one, the train isn't that crowded. but really, i have to remember your advice.. (><) thank you so much, fifi-chan XDDDD

i'm now staying at seiseki sakuragaoka, and my campus is located in Hachioji. XDD
if you come here, please tell me, fifi-chan!!! XDDDD
yaaaaahhh! there's a daiso in the department store near the station i used almost everyday. XD and i've bought it!!!!! XDDDDDDDD oishikattaaaaaa!!! XD

sankyuu for your support, fifi-chan.. T^T


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