Omg she was gorgeous and flawless and her concert was amazing. She sounded perfect live and she performed a lot of songs from both albums. I was so freaking excited the first note of Mowgli's Road I heard. I never in a million years actually expected to hear that song. It always seemed like that one really awesome and amazing song that never got performed live because there wasn't a place for it cause it was so weird. XDDDD I cried hysterically during Numb, And State of Dreaming. <3 she said after her first song that we were making it hard for her to sing because we were making her really emotional. <3
I almost got to touch her since I got pushed past the barricade and pretty much hung out there the entire time.
She also apparently came outside about ten minutes after the show and talked to everyone and signed there stuff an everything and was just really sweet and perfect and friendly, but I wasn't there cause I nearly passed out during her last song (legit couldn't breath and couldn't see straight). I can't wait for her to come back. <33333