Drabble to commemorate the event. I warn you, I'm dead tired, so it's questionable at best. DID THIS JUST FOR YOU, RAJA. >_> Just so you know. Lina, your version will come later. >D
Roy tugged at his boyfriend's shirt as the bathtub filled with hot water behind him, and Jean batted his hand away. "I can take off my own clothes, thanks."
"Yeah. But if you want to help me, then you're going to have to let me help you." Roy took hold of the hem of Jean's shirt again, eyebrows raised questioningly. "That was the deal, wasn't it?"
Jean huffed, then thrust his hands into the air. "I dunno why I still do what you say. You're so goddamned bossy."
"And you're goddamned stubborn. What's your point?" He tugged the shirt up and off, and Jean's bangs poofed out, which was always worth a snigger.
Havoc recognised the laughter and what was causing it in a heartbeat, and he clawed at his resistant hair with his fingers. "That you're an anal retentive control freak with a hole in his side?"
"Does that have anything to do wtih you being a cripple?"
Jean leaned over in his chair and grabbed Roy's shirt, dragging the shorter man into his lap. "I can still kick your ass, prick. I don't need no stinkin' legs."
"No?" Roy asked, grinning.
"No," Jean confirmed, and shoved. Roy rolled off Jean's lap and fell with a splash into the bathtub, water sloshing out and over the floor.