My first day alone

May 15, 2007 00:47

So... I finished my first day of classes today. And by classes, I mean class. I registered for Race and Ethnicity at around 9:20 this morning, and it's a major toughie (a lot of reading), but I'm actually happy I'm taking it... I haven't really taken the time to critically analyze race and ethnicity as social constructs the same way I have gender, sexuality, disability, etc.

I know that's not what you all want to read, though. lol. I've unpacked everything (a first! I never unpack when I move in), and my residence hall was extremely trashy-looking when I first opened the door... but I think it's decent now. Still bland, but once I get some posters, I'll be gold. I'm waiting until after Wednesday in case Amnesty has some posters for me. =)

I ate at this little buffet-style place this morning with my mom and her college friend... and then promptly said goodbye to them. So... yeah, right before class I got the depression of knowing that was goodbye to pretty much anyone I knew in the city at that point.

Although, my roommate is pretty cool. So's his girlfriend. They were really nice, and David even offered to buy me alcohol. Score. lol, kidding... but seriously, they're good people.

I went to dinner with this guy I met: Juan. He seems alright... a bit nerdy (kinda socially awkward, but I'm sure I was, too). I'm just glad I had good company, and the food was good and cheap... and I have leftovers for breakfast tomorrow!

Speaking of which, I'm so glad I don't have class 'til 11:10... I haven't finished the readings yet (I read the majority, but it's all theoretical... and if I were in Transgender Studies, I could knack it, but not this!!), so I'm gonna do what I did earlier today and head to Washington Square to study. Beautiful place... this guy kept eying me; I should've said hi, but he was gone by the time I finished my readings. =/

But yeah, life is good. I got my internet to work, so YAY! Bought my books, got my ID... yeah, everything's good again. Still bummed about Transgender Studies, as that was gonna be f'ing sweet, but... oh well. I'm taking Sexual Diversity in Society in the second half of summer to make up for it. =)

Alright, I've rambled. I'll probably post again tomorrow or Wed. night. Love, peace, and elbow grease.
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