If Someone Asked "괜찮아요?", I Think My Little Fangirl Heart Would Break

Apr 09, 2010 00:45

The Man sez: No need for Google Translate, Michal - it means "Are you okay?"

See, my sentimental kpop favorite for life, DBSK, has disbanded. I just. What is this I don't even. Ugh, it feels silly to let something like a pop group's break-up bother me. I dunno, I guess it's not so much that "oh noes, no more of teh pretty!" as "oh noes, young Liz would be so sad!" and that's the crux of it. I don't think I would've cared too much about korean dramas or kpop or learning Korean if I'd never stumbled across this group. And a lot of the happiness I have right now in my life is tied to all of that and, I guess by extension, to them. I have a job I love and really excellent friends and a reasonably comfortable life, but nothing really sparked my interest for a good while before I took notice of the group. That's what has left me feeling unsettled - I hate to lose anything I value. Fuck.

In other news, I had a pretty good break. I visited my brother and his gf in Durham. I mostly did homework and studied for a disgusting test with breaks in between for TV, delicious Vietnamese, fro-yo, botanical gardens, and a fuckin' rocking house party that So Cow played. I love So Cow. (I'm tempted to bring up how I wouldn't have cared to go to that So Cow show all those months ago at the Velvet Lounge with my bro-seph had I not been so interested in Korean, and I wouldn't have been so interested in Korean had it not been for DBSK, but I'll try to tamp down that feeling.) So Cow were, as I fully expected, ROCKTASTIC. And I have such a nerd!crush on the singer. I just want to make him sit down and tell me everything about everything ever. Zack's band, Just Friends, played and were pretty solid for their first gig. Yay siblings!!

After the whirlwind Durham trip, I made another whirlwind trip to Pittsburgh to visit my Alice darling. That was like the inverse of my brother visit - I did homework for a hot minute and spent the rest of my trip blitzed off my ass. And Alice cooked for me, which I do not dislike ever. And I got a super cute bowler at H&M that I would wear 24-7 if that were socially acceptable. It was... well, it was a time. A time was had by all. "Did I just say that out loud?" is probably the phrase I said the most. Ah, Alice, I feel a bit sheepish about the whole thing, but you were a solid champ! I'll just have one next time.

I've made and had plans broken now several times this week with Korean classmates (for study group/baking party), but such is life. Koreans treat things like "plans with friends" as very elastic commitments. You'll agree to meet at this place at this time and, well, maybe the other party shows up on time. Maybe they're two hours late. Maybe they don't call and let you know they're unable to come until forty minutes have passed. Thankfully, my language partner is good about being punctual. That's why my sunsaengnim partnered us. But the gaggle of girls are a different story. I'd get ticked about it were it not something I've most certainly done myself. See, the thing is that when you're friends with someone and you're going to do something fun or relaxing together, it's illogical to a Korean that you have expectations that would burden your friend (ie punctuality, dependability, etc.) if the friend couldn't meet those expectations. I kind of get it. Not my idea of a good time, but I get it. And, at the very least, my classmate K and I ate some delicious korean barbeque last Tuesday. Not too shabby.

This is going to be a crazy ass weekend, too. Anyone in DC on Saturday who's interested in meeting the passel of 19 year old Korean girls who've moved on from calling me "리즈언니" (Older Sister Liz) to "리즈엄마" (Momma Liz). Don't be scared when they try to hold your hand.

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