It was a pretty uneventful night here at Casa McBride. Neither of us got drunk or even got a good buzz off our Green Apple Cokes, we never did watch Young Guns, and we did end up watching the sparkly ball drop. Balls of the other sort were not to be seen, but I did get a good kiss at midnight and we hugged the ferret when she woke up, so there was plenty of love in the house.
We were sitting around doing nothing at about 11pm when a fight broke out across the street. From what I could tell, the guy who lives across the street had said something to his nephew along the lines of “if you do anything that hurts your mother [his sister] I’ll have you put in jail.” The nephew then proceeded to make one of those completely dumbass threats where you just reverse the first threat and proceeded to tell his uncle “if anything happens to my mother I’ll have you put in jail!” Much yelling ensued. Then the women got involved, and there was plenty of “We’s family and family’s all we got!” and “What good are you if you’re in jail and she’s in a shelter?” The cops drove down the street once and checked things out and told the nephew to calm down, and someone (I think his sister) told the cop everything was under control and it was just a family issue, nothing to worry about, and the cop drove off.
Needless to say, Comrade spent the better part of the midnight hour pacing across the living room floor to check things out. According to the guy across the street, Comrade is a bit scared of big black men, which would explain why he didn’t go out there and tell them off like he’d normally do.
When everything quieted down I almost expected Jerry Springer to pop out from behind a bush and offer a final thought.
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