Jun 16, 2007 19:08

I typed up the Jack and Doctor bits, because there was just so much information. Plus, the awesomeness. I've had some problems with David's accent and his constant mumbling/talking under his breath. And the noise level at parts.

I completely forgot about John Simm being on Dr. Who. What a nice bonus. And he's evol (and funny and hot)!!!

Questions answered:

Captain: Doctor.
Doctor: Captain.
Captain: Good to see you.
Doctor: And you. Same as ever. Although... have you had work done?
Captain: You can talk!
Doctor: Oh, yes, the face. Regeneration. How did you know that it was me?
Captain: The police box kind of gives it away. I've been following you for a long time. You abandoned me.
Doctor: Did I? Busy life. Moving around.
Captain: Just got to ask, the Battle of Canary Warf. I saw the list of the dead. It said Rose Tyler.
Doctor: Oh, no! Sorry! She's alive.
Captain: You're kidding!
Doctor: Parallel world. Safe and Sound. And Mickey and her mama.
Captain: Oh, yes!


Captain: So there I was, stranded in the year 200100, ankle-deep in Dalek dust and he goes off without me. But I had this (points to handy dandy wrist thingy). I used to be a time agent. It's called a vortex manipulator. He's not the only one who can time travel.
Doctor: Oh, excuse me! That is not time travel! It's like, I've got a sports car, you've got a space hopper.
Martha: Oh, hahah, boys and their toys.
Captain: All right, so I bounced. I thought: 21st century, the best place to find the Doctor, except I got it a little wrong. I arrived in 1869, this thing burnt out so it was useless.
Doctor: Told you!
Captain: I had to live through the entire 20th century to wait for a version of you that would coincide with me.
Martha: But that makes you more than a hundred years old.
Captain: And looking good, dontcha think? So, I went to the time rift, based myself there. Cause I knew you'd come back to refuel. Until finally, I got a signal on this (pointing to backpack with hand inside) detecting you, and here we are.
Martha: The thing is, how come you left him behind, Doctor?
Doctor: I was busy.
Martha: Is that what happens, though, seriously, you just get bored with us one day and disappear?
Captain: Not if you're blonde.
Martha: Oh, she was blonde. Oh, well, surprise!
Doctor: You two, we're at the end of the universe. Huh? Right at the edge of knowledge itself. And you're busy ...blogging.


Hilarious, or maybe a little bit weird, when Jack says hello to twenty different people, and the Doctor always tells him to stop it! Okay, so Martha (also one of the people Jack said hello to) doesn't really know yet about the very nature of Jack's "hi, how YOU doing?" but come ON, Doctor. Jealous much?

GREAT thing that happened was when the Doctor took his coat off and Jack GRABBED it, much like Ianto would grab Jack's coat, sort of like "I'll take care of it." And then Martha just SMILES at Jack. It's definitely not clear whether that was a actor thing or a character thing (as it happened in the background) and it's not clear whether it was in reaction to the coat or to the entire 'the Doctor is getting to work' thing, but it's MUCH appreciated, Freema!!


Doctor: What are you taking your clothes off for?
Captain: I'm going in!
Doctor: The step radiation doesn't affect clothing, only flesh!
Captain: Well, I look good, though. ... How long have you known?
Doctor: Ever since I ran away from you. Good luck.


Doctor: When did you realize?
Captain: Earth. 1892. Got in a fight on Ellis Island. Man shot me through the heart. Then I woke up. Thought it was kind of strange. And then it never stopped. Fell off a cliff. Trampled by horses. World War I, World War II, poisons, starvation, a stray javelin.
Doctor: Oooh.
Captain: In the end, I got the message. I'm the man who can never die. And all that time you knew.
Doctor: That's why I left you behind. It's not easy. Even just... just looking at you, Jack. Cause you're all wrong there.
Captain: Thanks.
Doctor: You are! I can't help it. I'm a time lord, it's instinct. It’s in my guts. You're a fixed point in time and space; you're a fact. That's never meant to happen. Even the Tardis reacted against you, tried to shake you off. Flew all the way to the end of the universe just to get rid of you.
Captain: So what you're saying is you're a prejudiced?
Doctor: I've never thought of it like that.
Captain: Shame on you.
Doctor: Yeah.
Captain: Last thing I remember. Back when I was mortal. I was facing three Daleks, death by extermination. Then I came back to life. What happened?
Doctor: Rose.
Captain: I thought you'd sent her back home.
Doctor: She came back. Opened the heart of the Tardis and absorbed the time vortex itself.
Captain: What does that mean, exactly?
Doctor: No one's ever meant to have that power. If a time lord ever did that, he'd become a God, a vengeful God. But she was human. Everything she did was so human. She brought you back to life. But she couldn't control it; she brought you back forever. There are some of us, though; the final act of the time war was life.
Captain: You think she'd change me back?
Doctor: I took the power out of her. She's gone, Jack. She's not just living on a parallel world; she's trapped there. The walls have closed.
Captain: I'm sorry.
Doctor: Yeah.
Captain: I went back to her estate. In the nineties. Just once or twice. Watched her growing up. Never said hello. Timelines and all that.
Doctor: Do you wanna die?
Captain: I thought I did. I don't know. But this lot, you see 'em out here, surviving. And that's fantastic.
Doctor: You might be out there somewhere.
Captain: I could go meet myself.
Doctor: Well. The only man you're ever going to be happy with.
Captain: Haha! This new regeneration. It's kind of cheeky.


Saxon: Ha! Ha! Now then, Doctor. Oooh, new voice. [low voice] hello! [high voice] hello! [normal voice] hello! Anyway. Why don’t we stop and have a nice little chat and I tell you all my plans and you can work out a way to stop me. I don’t think!
Martha: How can I know that voice?
Doctor: I’m asking you really, properly, just stop. Just think.
Saxon: Use my name.
Doctor: Master. I’m sorry.
Saxon: Tough!

Y.A.N.A. = You Are Not Alone
A.T.I.L.L.O. = ????????

the doctor

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