Jun 07, 2007 18:15
Yesterday evening, Patrick informed me that he wants to go to the Harry Potter thing on July 20th here at the community center. They’re having games planned, and a movie showing, and, of course, the new book at midnight.
And then we spent two hours talking about Harry Potter, Voldemort, Snape and everyone else of the Potterverse (he even knew that word), plus a little of Dr. Who and Stargate Atlantis. Oh, did I mention that it was way past his bedtime, and way past my bedtime, that it was in fact 11:30 when I joined him in the bedroom, and he didn’t stop asking questions about freakin’ Potter until way past 1:00? The longest that ever could hold his attention were the movies. Also, the fact that I can never get him to sit still enough for any kind of conversation, let alone one he initiates.
Today we went to the water park, where he gleefully braved the waves of the wavepool, and I sat on the side, getting my first sunburn of the year, and reading The Case Of Snape’s Guilt. It’s not as fascinating as the Case of Snape’s Innocence, but it still brings forth many, many plot points that I have never even thought about.