Neglecting LJ Again... Ugh.

Apr 09, 2011 17:40

Yeah, I know, I've neglected LJ again... My bad folks. I just can't seem to keep up with it anymore... I do try.... intentions are good. Then I fail - badly...

What news do I bring since last time?

Novel. It's going okay. Edits for chapters one and two are now complete. Well the first draft. I'm now two-thirds into chapter three. It's going good. Although I've taken a little break, I need a couple of weeks off (however I am still constantly doing planning). There's a couple of reasons, one I need to take a break. Novel writing is not my job, so I'll take breaks here and there. The other reason, see below. But, yeah, it's still going good.

Computer. I have FINALLY brought myself a new one! HP Pavilion, Windows7, i5-650 processor, 4GB ram, 1.5TB hard drive, GT420 graphics card with 2GB dedicated memory. It cost me a bit more than I was thinking of paying, but that said, I spent a bit extra for better specs. By no means is it the best out there, but for my budget it's a pretty good package. It arrived at mum's yesterday, and so she'll bring it round tomorrow for me. Now I will spending the next week getting it updated and installing my stuff. I'm going to have two PCs in my room running for a while, until I can get the new PC set up and get used to Win7. Yes, my room is going to look like a Computer lab, lol.

The Sims3. Yep, now with a new PC I can play The Sims again! I had to uninstall The Sims2 because my current PC could just not cope. I miss it. My fave part of the Sims in not the actual gameplay but the designing Worlds/Hoods, lol. I wasn't going to get many of the EPs this time around, but if I want to do certain things in the game, looks like I'm going to have to. Which is so annoying! But there, my new PC should be able to handle them. I'll now pull out all my old Sims2 discs and put them on eBay.

Comics. Well, June's solicits came out a couple of weeks ago, and I forgot to post them. I'll do that later tonight. Well, I'll try to do that, lol. I may forget...
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