I'm alive... I think.

Mar 25, 2011 19:25

Yikes! It's been over a month since I last updated... and to think, I used to update almost daily. I blame facebook. Also, time really does fly as you get older...

News... what can I talk about? Hmm...

Novel. Since I last posted, I decided that I needed to re-write. I didn't like the direction the start of my novel was going. I've completed chapters one and two now, and I think this version is much better. I'm now 1190 words into chapter three - about 3000 to go, lol. Over all the series is coming along nicely. I'm adding to the overall plan on a daily bases, notes, and ideas etc etc. It's all going good.

The Computer. Bottom line? I need a few one. *sighs* I also need to save up, as I do not have the funds for one right now. Well, I have enough for half of one, lol. I just hope it can hold out until I can save up some more. Windows7 and a faster processor would be very nice.

Comics. Yeah, it's not going good for me in the land of comic books right now. There's not many that I am really interested, and my monthly list keeps dropping... Speaking of lisits, June's Solicits came out this week, so I will post them asap.

And, yeah, that's about all. Man, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY must try to update more...
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