
Jan 24, 2008 08:46

My job flip-flops between being insanely stressful and hideously boring--but most days, it's just boring. This morning I thought I'd do the very clever thing of bringing in my Metalocalypse season 1 DVDs to watch while I do my filing. I'd previously discovered that my work computer was unable to run any Flash programs what-so-ever, nor was it able to download and install Flash, but I was undeterred! This morning, with God as my witness, I swore I would rock out while stuffing papers into manila folders!

Long story short, there is absolutely no way to watch anything on the work computers.

I think some nerds might consider this a challenge, a gauntlet thrown by our corporate overlords who apparently foresaw such plans and thus made it so that no computer in our terminals was allowed to play videos. I, however, am a bit too lazy for that. You win this time, Corporate. Apparently they just wanted it more.

Or, to be more accurate, I'm now downloading Metalocalypse season 2 and bringing it to work on my iPod. v_v
(A better plan by far. While my bosses are pretty cool people, I'm not sure how I'd feel about my co-workers coming in and out of my office and inevitably asking, "Did that man's eyes just explode out of his head?")

wacky work hijinks!

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